Hood Canal Bridge work continues

Work continues on the Hood Canal Bridge. The Washington Department of Transportation is finishing work along the shoulders, but traffic delays are not expected. As of March 3, work on the project was 71 percent complete.

Work continues on the Hood Canal Bridge. The Washington Department of Transportation is finishing work along the shoulders, but traffic delays are not expected. As of March 3, work on the project was 71 percent complete.

The work is being done in conjunction with the ongoing Hood Canal Bridge retrofit and replacement project, which will improve the existing structure, making it wider, safer and more reliable.

The bridge will close for six weeks during May and June 2009 to allow WSDOT and contractors from Kiewit-General to remove and replace its eastern half.

For more information, go to www.HoodCanalBridge.com.

Drivers can tune radios to 530 AM for daily construction activity updates via the WSDOT Highway Advisory Radio system, call 511 or visit www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/ for road and traffic updates. Go to www.wsdot.wa.gov/regions/olympic/construction to learn more about weekly construction and maintenance activities.
