Homeowner makes burglar wish he’d taken the night off


A 43-year-old Olalla homeowner beat up a 53-year-old would-be burglar and then called the police, according to reports from the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office.

When police arrived, “The front door was open,” according to a report from one of the deputies. “The door frame was busted and splintered.”

The homeowner was “in the living room, telling the suspect to stay down.”

“An adult male was sitting on the floor with blood covering his head,” another deputy noted. “A second male talking on a phone was standing near the first male,” and “there were two overturned wood dining room table chairs.”

One deputy took the bloodied man out to her patrol vehicle and searched him.

“I located, in his right front sweatshirt pocket, a set of latex gloves,” she wrote in her report. “In his right front jeans pocket was a small flashlight and pocket knife.”

She asked him how he got into the house.

“He replied, ‘I live right over there, I just walked,’ ” according to the deputy’s report.

She asked why he chose this house, according to the report.

“He said, ‘I was just drinking and out walking. Just drunk,’” the report said.

How did he get into the house?

“I don’t remember,” the would-be burglar said.

The homeowner said that things played out differently that evening.

“He entered his home through the garage,” according to the report, and saw the suspect coming out of a bedroom into the hallway, about five feet away.

He asked the suspect who he was.

The suspect didn’t answer.

Instead, he asked the homeowner who he was.

The homeowner said that he owned the house and asked the suspect how he got in.

The suspect said that someone gave him a key.

“(The suspect) started walking away toward the back sliding glass door,” according to the report. “He was carrying a light green pillowcase filled with items from the house.”

The homeowner allegedly told him to stop, but the suspect allegedly didn’t.

Then the homeowner allegedly tackled him and punched him several times in the head.

The burglar allegedly “still tried to get up,” but the homeowner “hit him over the head with one of the wood chairs.”

Then, the suspect allegedly told the homeowner that he was “finished” and “sat there on the floor” until the deputies arrived.

When the deputies arrived, they looked in the pillowcase and found “a Toshiba laptop computer, a Sony camera, two belt buckles, $89 in cash, and an assortment of miscellaneous items.”

The homeowner said that they’d been taken from throughout his house.

One of the deputies photographed the suspect’s head, took him to Harrison Medical Center and then took him to jail after he’d been medically cleared from Harrison.

His bail was set at $50,000.


