Hazardous material collection scheduled

KINGSTON — Instead of North End residents driving to Kitsap County’s waste facility in Bremerton to properly dispose of certain household and garden chemicals, next weekend the program is coming to them.

KINGSTON — Instead of North End residents driving to Kitsap County’s waste facility in Bremerton to properly dispose of certain household and garden chemicals, next weekend the program is coming to them.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 18, Kitsap County will host a hazardous materials collection event at the Kitsap Transit Park and Ride at George’s Corner, behind Kingston Albertsons.

Residents may only bring oil-based paints, stains and coatings; liquid and solid pesticides; and garden chemicals. Waste should be kept in its original container if possible and should be secured during the transport to the drop off location to prevent leaks or spills.

Kitsap County solid waste specialist Rick Gilbert said the county is holding the event for several reasons but primarily to familiarize residents with the local hazardous materials program and the permanent waste facility in Bremerton.

“(It’s) just to give people an idea of all the services that the facility provides,” Gilbert said.

While the county is only taking a select few items at the event, residents can learn where they can take more of their household chemicals and paints.

“We do have a permanent facility that offers a wider variety of waste management,” Gilbert said.

A similar event took place last year on Bainbridge Island, where the county collected 24,000 pounds of waste — and that was just the oil-based items, pesticides and garden chemicals.

“We’re doing it as a supplemental service to the North End residents to take out the more toxic stuff that people have in their homes,” Gilbert said.

The following items will not be accepted next Saturday: latex paint, stains and coatings; corrosive or reactive chemicals; aerosol paints, cleaners or adhesives; batteries; acrylic or water-based paints or stains; automotive wastes such as oil, antifreeze and gasoline; waste from businesses or commercial entities; and any containers larger than 5 gallons.

Any of these items can be taken to the Kitsap County Moderate Risk Waste Collection Facility, located in the Olympic View Industrial Park, across Highway 3 from the Bremerton National Airport at 1551 Imperial way. The facility is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday through Saturday year round.

However, Gilbert said small amounts of latex paints can be solidified and disposed of with regular garbage. To solidify, mix the paint with quick dry cement or kitty litter and stir until hardened. Leave the lid off and then dispose of it with regular garbage.

Motor oil, oil filters, antifreeze, vehicle batteries and small household batteries are accepted at the Hansville Drop Box located on Hansville Road and the Poulsbo Recycle Center on Viking Way.

Business waste, which will not be accepted Sept. 18, may be managed through a monthly Small Quantity Generator collection event by calling the county’s Open Line for information and an appointment. For more information about the collection event, call the Kitsap County Public Works Open Line at (360) 337-5777, visit www.kitsapgov.com/ sw or read the garbage and recycling guide in the phone book.

Kitsap County Public Works Solid Waste Division is sponsoring the event with assistance from Kitsap Transit.
