Halloween Movies

Night of the Living Dead Not Rated final analysis: *** I am, of course, recommending the 1968 George Romero classic, not its 1990 remake, nor the so-called enhanced and expanded version released in ‘98. ...

Night of the Living Dead

Not Rated

final analysis: *** I am, of course, recommending the 1968 George Romero classic, not its 1990 remake, nor the so-called enhanced and expanded version released in ‘98. The poorly colorized version should also be avoided. No, if you’re going to see “Night of the Living Dead,” it should be in its original, low-budget, black and white form. NotLD has been much discussed for its political allegories. Of course, horror and sci-fi have always been popular vehicles for subversive political commentary, and NotLD is a well constructed metaphor for the class struggle, civil rights, and distrust of government; all themes that remain relevant today. However, most people don’t see horror movies for allegory, they want to be scared. If you need to see bodies shredded into a bright red pulp to set your teeth on edge, then you’d be better off with one of NotLD’s zombie successors. The ‘68 classic delivers fear through the tension etched into its victims faces, through anticipation of what is likely to come, and through a sense of claustrophobia that slowly increases like the tightening of thumb screws. The film was considered completely original when it was first released, and though it may seem tame by today’s standards, it still has the power to make you lock your windows and doors before going to bed.

Sleepy Hollow

Rated R

final analysis:*** Tim Burton films are like a walk through a haunted house where ambience is everything. He paints his movies with a fine brush meticulously choosing each color, cobweb, and drift of fog. Many of the stills would be at home in the surrealism section of an art museum. The classic “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” story has been changed but the tone remains the same, as does the quirky awkwardness of its main character. Johnny Depp is brilliant as the determined and neurotic Ichabod Crane, a constable from New York investigating the mysterious beheadings plaguing a small country town. He is the lone man of reason in a town full of mystics and oddballs. The way Depp allows his character’s veneer to slowly crack as logic is replaced by terror left me awestruck. He is a superb character actor. I felt Christina Ricci was too young to play Depp’s love interest but her confident and mysterious Katrina Van Tassel is the perfect foil for exoteric Ichabod Crane. “Sleepy Hollow” is a gothic ghost story and an excellent choice to accompany Halloween. And while it’s far too violent for younger kids, those of us who can stand the sight of blood will tremble with delighted fear at the sight of Christopher Walken’s Headless Horseman, possibly the most frightening villain ever to swing a battle axe.

Monster House

Rated PG

final analysis: *** This is what my 4-year-old son had to say about “Monster House.” “Whenever someone got in the driveway, the Monster house tried to eat them up. I liked the movie really much. I liked the house and the guy that lived in Monster house … freaky! I liked that the house’s uvula was a light. The movie was scary but fun. I’d like to see it again.” My son and I saw “Monster House” when it was released in July. I wondered then why it wasn’t released in October since the story takes place at Halloween. If you haven’t seen it yet, the DVD was released yesterday and now is the perfect time for a viewing. It’s a great story about three kids trying to save trick or treaters from a house they’re convinced is alive and hungry. The voice actors are first-rate with Steve Buscemi standing out as resident and caretaker of the house with a will of its own. The animation is gorgeous as well, just a step or two below Pixar, and that’s very high praise since I consider Pixar to be the Mustang of animation surrounded primarily by Edsels. It’s a great choice for a spooky family night, complete with popcorn balls and hot chocolate. Little children may find the thrills and chills a bit too intense, however. As much as my little boy loved the movie, he’s now afraid of our house after dark. It’s definitely a flick to spur the imagination.
