Gardening in the new year

Gardener Joe offers up his advice on the benefits of taking gardening classes.

As we slip into a new year and reflect on last year, it is time to make some new year’s resolutions for your garden.

In my earlier columns, I discussed writing down the things you would like to see be different in your yard or if you want to enhance that is already there.

Many organizations will be having gardening classes available this winter. WSU Master Gardeners will have some and many nurseries also will have classes. So, keep an eye out for those and register to attend some.

I belong to WALP (Washington Association of Landscape Professionals). Check them out at

Being a member gave me many benefits. One benefit is the networking with other professionals. I also am connected to the planet with the Landscape Certification program.

Being certified in turf and ornamental maintenance gives me great knowledge that I can use helping others. I encourage other professionals to get certified.

Another great certification that I have is my pesticide license. Even though I am totally organic by law, a license is still needed to apply organics. Getting caught without one can bring a fine up to $7,500.

The re-certification classes that are taken each year will keep you on top of the laws and new ways to deal with pests and diseases through the IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

It is so important to understand what is wrong with your garden, and what actions need to be taken to correct problems. Remember to stop using harsh chemicals. You, too, can make a difference.

For more information  on anything I mentioned, e-mail me at, or call me at 360-990-3035.