Free school tutoring for Kitsap’s K-12 students

Program is funded by the coronavirus CARES Act

PORT ORCHARD — Kitsap County is partnering with South Kitsap School District and other districts in the county to provide free online and drop-in tutoring sessions for Kitsap students to help alleviate some of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic associated with online and hybrid learning.

Options are available for all kindergarten through 12th-grade students on a first-come, first-served basis. Sessions are underway and will continue through Nov. 23.

Space is limited in both the online tutoring and drop-in sessions held at the Eagle’s Nest at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds. Tutors are instructors from the Central Kitsap School District, according to the county’s Department of Human Resources.

Kitsap County commissioners designated a portion of the coronavirus CARES Act funding for the tutoring program.

For more information, contact the county at