Former Myhre’s employees run Moondogs, Too for one night

bartender, heroic, hero, bar, fundraiser, Myhre's Restaurant, Port Orchard, South Kitsap, donations, donation, money, out of work, unemployed, Moondogs, Too, Tracy Nickerson

Employees at Moondogs, Too will give jobs to former Myhre’s Restaurant employees Wednesday night.

“They’ve been out of work since Saturday, so we’re going to take this night and donate it to them,” said Tracy Nickerson, the lead Bartender at Moondogs, Too, who came up with the idea for the event.

The staff at Moondogs, Too often went to Myhre’s to get a drink after work, said Darryl Baldwin, Moondogs’s owner.

“When you work downtown, you end up getting to know everybody,” said Nickerson, who thought of the idea for the event. “You hang out with them at Myhre’s and my bar. It’s something that I’m going to miss.”

Nickerson says that the staff at Myhre’s have been like a second family, so helping them seemed like “the right thing to do.”

“From bartender to bartender, you’ve got to help out your family,” he said. “I would hope that something like this would happen for me–some other place would step up and help alleviate the pain.”

Baldwin expects each employee to get “a couple hundred” dollars in tips for the night.

“(It’s) not a lot,” he said, “but sometimes that just pays a bill.”

Nickerson has the same goal.

He made a Facebook page for the event, and by Wednesday afternoon, 86 people had clicked “attending,” with 73 “maybe attending.”

“Let’s please help them be able to make their rent or buy some food, or pay a bill or have a little money. . .” he wrote on the Facebook page.
