POULSBO — One resident has submitted an application for appointment to Poulsbo City Council Position 7, but more applications are expected to be submitted by the Jan. 16 deadline.
City Clerk Rhiannon Fernandez said Jan. 11 that seven or eight applications were requested when the city began the application process. One resident, Paul Tweiten, submitted an application. Abby Garland, who ran as a write-in candidate for the position in November, has said she plans to apply for appointment.
The position was declared vacant when the winner of the Nov. 7 election, John Bukowsky, said he would not take office because of demands at his day job.
The City Council will interview candidates on Jan. 27. The appointee will serve until the results of the November 2019 general election are certified.
An applicant must be a registered voter and a city resident for one year immediately preceding the time of application.
The City Council adopts and amends city laws; approves the budget; establishes city policies and standards; approves contracts and agreements; and represents the city. The council meets at 7 p.m. the first three Wednesdays of each month in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Compensation for this position is an annual salary of $9,000.
Application packets are available at City Hall, 200 NE Moe St., third floor; or request that they be mailed by calling the City Clerk’s office at 360-779-3901. Application materials are also available online at www.cityofpoulsbo.com.