County adds new tool to winter weather arsenal

With this past weekend’s blast of wintry weather, Kitsap County public works crews were ready for the potentially icy roads, which fortunately never materialized.

Crews had a plan in place for clearing major highways and arterial roads first before moving on to other county roads, Kitsap County public works department spokesman Doug Bear said.

The small amount of snow allowed crews to try a new tool in their arsenal to ensure all county roads were safe for motorists, Bear said, referring to the salt brine solution crews laid down before the snow hit Kitsap County.

The salt brine is designed to prevent roads from becoming icy during winter storms and it worked well over the weekend, he said.

“This was our first application and it was pretty effective,” Bear said.

For more information about how both Kitsap County and the city of Bremerton fared during this weekend’s snows, see the Dec. 20 editions of both the Bremerton Patriot and the Central Kitsap Reporter.