Congratulations, Miss Washington

It’s been a long, long time coming but the Miss Washington crown has finally made its way back to Kitsap County as Kristen Eddings showed the state just how talented she is. Next year, she’ll be wowing the entire nation. While Eddings hails from Silverdale, she’s no stranger to North Kitsap and was Miss Poulsbo 2002, then she was crowned Miss Kitsap 2006, then Miss Washington 2006, next up Miss America.

It’s been a long, long time coming but the Miss Washington crown has finally made its way back to Kitsap County as Kristen Eddings showed the state just how talented she is. Next year, she’ll be wowing the entire nation.

While Eddings hails from Silverdale, she’s no stranger to North Kitsap and was Miss Poulsbo 2002, then she was crowned Miss Kitsap 2006, then Miss Washington 2006, next up Miss America.

She’s most definitely on her way.

But that “way” did not exist just a few, short years ago and neither did the Miss Kitsap Pageant as a whole. It is important to note that if it wasn’t for the folks behind Miss Poulsbo, neither local competition would have its affiliation with Miss America — the nation’s most prestigious pageant. They deserve a huge pat on the back for showing tremendous vision and creating this enormous opportunity for local women.

Eddings definitely provided the talent and poise to win Miss Washington, but Poulsbo’s Lynda and Bruce Nielsen and Michelle Nilsen-Wasson provided the water and the soil that allowed her to blossom.

We can only imagine their elation and well-deserved pride at this moment.

And although Miss Poulsbo 2006 Brenna Gardner-Brown was denied the big shot, she represented North Kitsap admirably, earning Miss Congeniality at the state pageant.

Both are to be congratulated.
