Community briefs (May 15, 2015 edition)

Ladies’ Night Out; CK Fire and Rescue Kids’ Day June 6; NBK’s Capt. Zwolfer to speak May 19

Ladies’ Night Out

BREMERTON – Get out and about for a great evening of food, fun and shopping at over 50 Bremerton and Manette businesses during the Ladies’ Night Out June 4 from 5-8 p.m. Shuttles between Bremerton and Manette will be provided. Maps and goodie bags available at the corner of 4th and Pacific. Visit for more information.

CK Fire and Rescue Kids’ Day June 6

KITSAP – Central Kitsap Fire and Rescue will hose their 30th Annual Kitsap County Kids’ Day at the fairgrounds 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 6. This free event is a fire and life safety event for kids of all ages. It features inside booths, entertainment and food, as well as an entire outdoor area with “touch-a-truck” displays and demonstrations by firefighters.

This one day event usually draws around 4,000 attendees.

One of the biggest draws of the event is the bike helmet fitting area. Bike helmets will be offered to children and adults at no cost.

NBK’s Capt. Zwolfer to speak May 19

BREMERTON – Capt. Thomas Zwolfer, commanding officer of Naval Base Kitsap, will be the guest speaker at the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce luncheon on May 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The luncheon will be hosted at McClouds Grill House and Saloon, 2901 Perry Ave., in Bremerton. Register at .

Naval documents of the American Revolution

KEYPORT – The Naval History and Heritage Command’s Senior Historian Dr. Michael Crawford will give a talk on the Naval documents of the American Revolution in the Naval Undersea Museum auditorium on Saturday, May 23 at 2 p.m. This official Navy publication received an honorable mention for Volume 12 for the Society’s Thomas Jefferson prize. Volume 12 and the series in general will be the topic of the presentation. The museum is located at 610 Dowell St. in Keyport. Learn more at .

Senior singles get-together

BREMERTON – Calling all single seniors: Kitsap Senior Singles will meet Sunday, May 17 at 1 p.m. at 3201 Pine Road NE in East Bremerton (First floor of The Willows.)

It’s a potluck so bring a favorite dish to share. Mix and meet new friends and play games. For more information call Laraine at 360-871-2996.

State Parks offers three ‘free’ days

OLYMPIA – The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will offer three “free days” this month and next month. Visitors will not need to display a Discover Pass for day-use visits to state parks on May 10, June 6, and June 13.

Free days are in keeping with legislation that created the Discover Pass, a $30 annual or $10 one-day permit required for vehicle access to recreation lands managed by Washington State Parks, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Natural Resources. The Discover Pass legislation provided that State Parks could designate up to 12 “free days” each year when the pass would not be required to visit state parks. Discover Pass is required on WDFW and DNR Lands on State Parks free days.

The remaining 2015 State Parks free days are Aug. 25, Sept. 26 and Nov. 11.

Learn more about Social Security

SILVERDALE – Donald Logan, a financial advisor in Silverdale, is sponsoring “Understanding Social Security” from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 28 at 2416 NW Myhre Road Suite 102 in Silverdale. For more information, call Logan at 360-692-1216.

AARP Smart Driver course

BREMERTON – Be a safer driver with the AARP Smart Driver program. Bremerton Senior Center, 1140 Nipsic Ave. June 22-23 (Mondays and Tuesdays). 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. $15 for AARP members; $20 otherwise. Attendees receive a certificate that may be good for an insurance discount. Pre-registration required. Call 360-473-5375.

Learn how to Stand a Watch

PORT TOWNSEND – Washington Sea Grant, the Northwest Maritime Center, and WSU Jefferson County Extension will cosponsor a workshop on Basic Watch Standing on May 29 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Northwest Maritime Center in Port Townsend.

Topics covered include navigation basics, charts, latitude and longitude, compass and bearings, tides and currents, rules of the road, navigating a route, navigation aids, electronic navigation, depth sounders, radar basics, chart plotters/GPS autopilot, communication, good crew habits including when to wake your skipper.

This workshop is for anyone who is interested in working on commercial fishing vessels or has some experience and would like to learn more. Cost is $50; pre-registration required. Contact Sarah Fisken at 206-543-1225 or

Outdoor club meets first Wednesdays

BREMERTON – Peninsula Wilderness Club is an informal organization for people interested in the outdoors. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m.

Meetings are held at the VFW Hall at 9981 Central Valley Rd. Go online to

Learn how to control marine corrosion

GIG HARBOR – Rust never sleeps, but this hands-on workshop will show how to protect boats from all types of marine corrosion.

The workshop will be hosted May 31 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Gig Harbor Boat Shop, 3805 Harborview Dr. The cost is $60. Pre-registration required. To register or for more information, contact Sarah Fisken at 206-543-1225 or

Lend a helping hand to the elderly, disabled

CENTRAL KITSAP – Volunteer Services, a program of Catholic Community Services, is seeking volunteers throughout Kitsap County that would be in interested in providing a little help to low-income elders and disabled adults with yard care, by installing grab bars and by providing for transportation needs.

With the help of community, Volunteer Services can assist those that cannot afford to pay for the type of help they need or do not qualify for assistance elsewhere, or do not have family or friends available to them.

Volunteer Services helps those in need in several ways such as driving clients to medical appointments or the grocery store, running errands or shopping for those that are housebound, making minor home repairs, and helping with yard care. Lend a hand with light housework, by building wheelchair ramps and by installing grab bars.

Mileage reimbursement is provided upon request.

For more information on volunteering contact Program Coordinator Donna Jones at 360-405-0072 ext. 3 or via email at