Ribbon-cutting ceremony set for July 22
SILVERDALE — Be one of the first people to cross the new Bucklin Hill Bridge after a ceremonial ribbon cutting set for 10 a.m. July 22 on the east end of the Silverdale bridge.
Kitsap County Commissioner Edward Wolfe will host the celebration, which will include a Marine Corp honor guard presenting the colors and the Central Kitsap High School marching band providing entertainment.
The bridge opens to traffic by the end of the day.
For more information, visit www.bucklinhill.com or call 360-337-5777.
Kitsap Photography Guild annual picnic
From 5-9 p.m. July 21 at the Silverdale County Park Shelter in Old Town Silverdale. Bring a side dish to share, grilling meat and your camera. For more information, contact Jon and Sue DeArman at dearmans@comcast.net or 360-697-1352, or visit www.kitsapphotograph yguild.com.
Bremerton No. 8 in nonprofit job report
The GoodCall 2016 Nonprofit Job Report named Bremerton the No. 8 best large town for finding a nonprofit job.
The nonprofit sector has seen an increase in employment over the past few years. A trend noted that small and large towns ranked much better than cities and metropolitan areas. With over 5,000 cities evaluated, Bremerton is positioned highly for having a high density of nonprofit jobs available based on the local population.
Full report: www.goodcall.com/data-center/2016-best-places-find-non-profit-job.
Seatte/Bremerton ferry routes increased for baseball
The Seattle Mariners play the Houston Astros at Safeco this weekend, and Washington State Ferries is providing extra service on the Seattle/Bremerton route to accommodate the extra traffic.
On Friday, July 15, an added sailing will depart Bremerton at 10:15 p.m. and depart Seattle at 11:30 p.m. Baseball fans and commuters alike can get ahead of the crowds by pre-purchasing a return-trip ticket, arriving early and planning for longer-than-usual wait times eastbound in the afternoon, and westbound in the evening.
For more information, visit www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries.
Bremerton-Silverdale metro No. 5 for minority-owned businesses
In a new study, SmartAsset has uncovered the best U.S. metro areas for minority-owned businesses, and the Bremerton-Silverdale metro takes the No. 5 spot.
With a population of 253,000, the Bremerton-Silverdale metro area had the second-highest income ratio on our list at 1.135, which shows how much the average minority-owned business makes compared to the average non-minority-owned business. The only area with a higher score in income ratio is the Seattle metro area, which ranked first overall in the study.
Details on the study, including full methodology and rankings, can be found at smartasset.com/investing/the-best-metro-areas-for-minority-owned-businesses.
SmartAsset is a financial technology company that provides advice on big personal finance decisions.
Host families needed for four-week program
Host a Japanese exchange student from July 25 to Aug. 22. Experience an appreciation for a new culture and gain lifelong friendships without leaving home by welcoming teenage exchange students from Kure, Japan, Bremerton’s sister city. The students will be here to learn English and immerse themselves in American life. For more information, contact Elaine Valencia, elaine.valencia @ci.bremerton.wa.us or 360-473-5266.
Getting started with Android devices
From 1-2 p.m. Wednesdays and Sundays at 11199 Pacific Crest Place NW, Silverdale, an introductory Android class will be held. The classes will help users develop a general understanding of their device. Topics may include placing and receiving phone calls, sending text messages, adding and updating contacts, connecting to Bluetooth devices, utilizing the camera and connecting your device to a Wi-Fi network. Reserve a seat by calling 360-692-3057. For more information, visit www.vz.to/29soizE.
Vino and Vinyasa with Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run of West Sound is partnering with Viva Flow Yoga to offer a 90-minute, all-level yoga class, followed by a 90-minute wine tasting to cap off the evening. The class is 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 18 at Viva Flow Yoga in downtown Bremerton. The class is $45; all proceeds go to Girls on the Run of West Sound. Pre-registration is required, and attendees must be at least 21 years old. Learn more or register at bit.ly/28ZlKow.
Kitsap Solar U workshop July 21
5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, July 21 at Habitat for Humanity of Kitsap County, 3559 Wheaton Way, Bremerton. This free educational solar workshop series covers all about how solar works in the Pacific Northwest, how it powers houses, all monetary incentives and what makes a great site at homes or businesses. Learn more by visiting www.solar-u.com/future-seminars, or call Clare at 206-297-0086.
Peace Lutheran VBS camp starts July 25
Join Peace Lutheran Church for its 2016 Vacation Bible School camp, 9 a.m. to noon July 25-29, 1234 Riddell Road, Bremerton. Open to children ages 3 through incoming fifth-graders. The theme is Barnyard Roundup; children will learn Psalm 23 through memory verses, songs and activities. The cost is $15 per child, or $25 for a multiple-children family. Learn more at peacelutherannw.org/vbs, or contact vbs@peacelutheran nw.org or 360-377-6253.
Alzheimer’s Assocation memory loss seminar
From 1-4 p.m. Aug. 1, in Silverdale, the Alzheimer’s Association is offering an early-stage memory loss seminar. The seminar provides education for those living with mild memory loss. Topics will include basics of dementia, strategies for coping and help planning the next steps. Learn from the experiences of others who understand your situation. Pre-registration is required. For more information, contact Katherine Painter at 206-529-3868.
Barnyard Roundup vacation bible school
From 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 1-5, at Evergreen Lutheran Church, 3200 Seabeck Holly Road. Psalm 23 will be taught through memory verses, songs and activities. There may be some special barnyard guests of the four-legged variety! Open to children in preschool (3 years old and potty trained) to seventh graders. Walk-ins welcome, but registration preferred by July 29. Register at www.vbsmate.com/events/EvergreenVBS/4930. For more information, visit www.seabec klutheran.com.
Open water swim at Wildcat Lake
Join the Bremerton Family YMCA in an open-water swim, 7:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 27. There will be a half-mile swim starting at 9 a.m. and a one-mile swim starting at 9:45 a.m. Each participant receives a commemorative T-shirt and swim cap. Each finisher will receive a medal. Awards will be given to top finishers in each age category. There will also be a raffle and music. The event is open to the public, and costs $30 to register. For more information, visit www.teamuify.com or register at the Bremerton Family YMCA, 360-377-3741.
Patron Appreciation Day set for Aug. 16
The Downtown Bremerton Friends of the Library is hosting a patron appreciation day from 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 16, at 612 Fifth St., Bremerton. This event is a thank you to those who use the downtown Bremerton library. Refreshments provided. Books will be for sale in the Book Keep for $5 a bag or half price.
Bremerton Symphony Orchestra auditions set
Bremerton Symphony Orchestra, an all-volunteer orchestra under music direction of Alan Futterman, will hold auditions for the upcoming season on Tuesday, Aug. 23, and Tuesday, Sept. 6. Experienced musicians of all instruments are encouraged to schedule a 10-minute audition time with Personnel Manager Gary Dahl by calling 360-536-2038 or emailing gdahl@bremertonsymphony.org with subject line “BSO Auditions.”
Bremerton Symphony Orchestra is a program of Bremerton Symphony Association, a nonprofit organization, which for 74 years has brought West Sound communities together sharing a passion for live music, preserving our rich history and providing educational opportunities for all.
Eighth annual Kitsap Wine Festival Aug. 13
BREMERTON – The eighth annual Kitsap Wine Festival at Harborside Fountain Park returns with a celebration of food, wine and community from 2-5:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 13.
Tickets are $45 through July 31; $55, Aug. 1-12; $65 at the door, Aug. 13.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.kitsapwinefe stival.com or onsite at Kitsap Conference Center and Harrison Medical Center Foundation.