CK residents tasked with levy vote in February

Within the day that the oaths of office were heard from the three elected officials in the recent election cycle, the Central Kitsap School District Board of Directors voted Nov. 29 to add a levy measure to the Feb. 13 special election.

The community will be voting on whether to renew the district’s current school support levy, which was narrowly passed by the voters in April of 2022. Two months before that, the district had failed to pass its levy measure for the first time in decades.

“The levy is about 10% of our budget and helps pay for things the state does not fully fund,” the district said. “It bridges the gap between state funding and the actual costs of the programs and services we provide for our students.”

The new measure, a three-year replacement levy, would tax residents at or below a rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value. $23 million would be collected each year from 2025-2027 according to resolution documents.

An alternative resolution would have called for a four-year measure, with the collection amounts increasing by one million each year from $21.5 million to $24.5 million.

The Board of Directors unanimously approved the three-year option, including 2023 electees Brittany “Breezy” Mitchell, Jim Grose and Meghan Hein.