Bremerton Council approves disabled parking limits

The Bremerton City Council passed a four-hour limit on on-street disabled parking Wednesday, capping what is currently an unlimited privilege.

The Bremerton City Council passed a four-hour limit on on-street disabled parking Wednesday, capping what is currently an unlimited privilege.

The council voted 8-0 on the measure, which aims to prevent Puget Sound Naval Shipyard workers and ferry passengers from using disabled parking placards to park all day. Councilman Jim McDonald was absent.

The limit will apply citywide, but will only be posted in targeted areas, Council President Nick Wofford said. The initial focus of the enforcement will be near the ferry terminal and Gregory Way, though there is no word yet on specifically when and where the new signs will be posted.

Wofford also wants to bring sheriff’s office volunteers to check whether parkers with a disabled placard have a state identification card to verify their disabled status.

Councilman Roy Runyon proposed an amendment that would exempt permitted public transit and social service vehicles from the limit, notably vanpool vehicles that transport disabled workers to the shipyard. Runyon’s amendment was rejected 7-1.
