Bremerton City Council Candidate Profile: Cynthia Galloway

Cynthia Galloway answers interview questions about the position she's seeking.

Tell us about your background and how it qualifies you to serve on the city council?

Business owner within City of Bremerton over 10 years;  BA in Sociology; Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling and a PhD in educational psychology (candidate); elected political experience served six years on Bremerton School Board – position held during my tenure on the school board served as the President of the School Board and Vice President of the School Board; served on the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Diversity Panel as a Judge for School Directors in Washington state; represented Bremerton Schools on the Washington State interscholastic Board for Bremerton schools’ athletic department, etc. Oversaw and hired chief executive officers for Bremerton School District; analyzed and provided direct oversight reference to district budget which consisted of $50 million per year, approved/hired all employees within the school district, and represented 43,000 citizens within Bremerton School district area for six years.

What is the single most pressing issue in your district? What have you done, and what will you do, to address that issue?

Safety Issues: within District 1 as it relates to some of the streets close to Sheridan and near Lions Park. The citizens remain concerned about renters coming in and out of correction systems; the rental properties are not being taken care of by the property owners; some streets need speed bumps and road/curve improvements for the disabled; burglaries and not enough policeman to respond to citizens’ concerns.  This information has been reported to me by the citizens within District 1. Action taken: I attended a meeting with the Bremerton Police Department and informed the Chief of Police of the citizens’ safety concerned; participated in meeting with the Public Works and Parks Department directors to inform them of the road conditions. I talked with the parks director about all of the parks and insufficient management of the parks. Next we discussed Sheridan Gym (we need to renovate/remodel the old building) and discussed the volunteers’ stepping forward to help the city out. Currently, the parks department is understaffed and need more funding support from the city government. I have had dialogue with state senators and other persons of interest about the need to have city councilmen/ladies’ ready and willing to help improve District 1. The citizens feel that the city government is only concerned about the downtown area.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities as a member of the city council?

Promoting Economic Development and partnering with business owners; improving the quality of life by providing safer streets for all residents; and   partnering with Bremerton School District to ensure our schools produce graduates who are prepared to be successful.

Why are you the better candidate in this election? Why should voters choose you?

Elected experience as an elected official (six years), previous relationships with the mayor and some of the current city council  members, experienced with implementing and designing board policies and overseeing  school district budget, made budget recommendations and represented 43,000 citizens while serving on the Bremerton school board. I do not have a personal agenda. I’ve pledged to work for the people, not for myself. The people deserve to see the right kind of change and improvement within every district, not just in the downtown area. The voters should vote for me because I am about serving them. I realize if I am elected that I am one person who would serve on the city council board. However, I plan on speaking for the people and reminding the city council members to listen to the people.

If you could change one thing about the City of Bremerton with the flick of a switch, what would it be and why?

Listen to the people and improve all districts; reduce the B&O tax – providing there is another option to help sustain the budget; offer more incentives to business owners; ensure safety for all citizens, which depends on how the local police and fire departments protect all citizens. Hire more police officers and fire department personnel (they need a training budget). The citizens need to be ensured that the current city government (council members/mayor) will protect the citizens from dangerous or potentially dangerous situations) Why? Some citizens feel like the council members/mayor are not listening to them.

What would your pitch be to a business owner considering a move to Bremerton?

My language will continue to demonstrate a business friendly tone. I would focus on how to design the city regulations and restrictions to be more business friendly for real estate companies and a company like LOWES, offer better incentives for business owners, and offer start-up loans for new business owners. Action Taken: Two months ago I talked with the Department of Revenue staff about some of the confusion about business owners’ have complained about tax credit rules and other restrictions.

What is your position on the proposed charter amendment that would allow the council to meet in Kitsap County, but outside of the Bremerton city limits?

The meetings need to remain within the downtown area within the city limits of Bremerton. The council needs to maintain a consistent designation for the board meetings (and study sessions) for the citizens.

