Bev Woods: A brave leader or traitorous Republican?

OLYMPIA — The chamber halls of the state House of Representatives was reported to have echoed with the sound of applause April 24, the final night of the 2005 session and one that concluded with the passage of the largest gas tax increase in state history

OLYMPIA — The chamber halls of the state House of Representatives was reported to have echoed with the sound of applause April 24, the final night of the 2005 session and one that concluded with the passage of the largest gas tax increase in state history.

Among those who no doubt breathed a sigh of relief with the session’s conclusion was 23rd District Rep. Bev Woods (R-Kingston), ranking minority member of the House Transportation Committee and a leader in creating the $8.5 billion package that will renovate much of the state’s transportation infrastructure.

The political stakes were high in the vote, mostly a polarized tally with Democrats for a 9.5 cent gas tax increase over the next four years, and with most Republicans against.

Woods and 11 other Republicans broke rank and sided with the party across the aisle.

“We have not significantly invested in our infrastructure for years,” Woods said of her decision. “We’ve gotten to the point where we weren’t even keeping up with the maintenance (of the roads) … We have an obligation as a government to take care of our infrastructure.”

Then came the backfire.

Opponents of the tax hike responded and created an initiative signature drive to repeal the increase, but were given little chance of success, due to both time and financial constraints.

Residents came out in droves to help with the signature drive — more than 500 here in Kitsap alone — and County Republican Chair Matthew Cleverley, the local orchestrator of the gathering, called the effort “an untamable animal.” Record-high oil prices also exacerbated many state motorists’ anguish on the issue, as gas prices soared past $2.50 a gallon.

Secretary of State Sam Reed confirmed Initiative 912 on the November ballot Aug. 8, setting up a showdown between rolling back the gas tax to its original 28 cents per gallon — a yes vote — or keeping the new increases, totaling 37.5 cents by 2008, by voting no.

Woods now faces a kind of political mutiny from Republicans who voted for her less than a year ago and attest that this year’s gas hike is another example of the legislature overriding the will of the voters.

“You have a legislature that is really out of touch with the public, and the public is not seeing the benefit from (the tax increase),” Cleverley said. “It was kind of a “if we get money, then here’s our dream list’ (decision).”

Woods defended her position by stating that the gas hike is absolutely necessary given the state of the roads, highways and ferries in the state and maintaining the infrastructure is a principle of her party.

“I want people to understand what we’re trying to do before they make a decision,” Woods added.

The 16-year transportation plan — the majority of which would be scrapped should I-912 pass — includes $2 billion for replacing the Alaskan Way Viaduct and about $1.5 billion for replacements of portions of the 520 bridge and Interstate 405. The rest of the $8.5 billion is spread throughout the state in projects to help increase safety and perform maintenance, including improvements to more than 180 state bridges the Washington Department of Transportation say are in dire need of repair.

Woods also defended her record as a Republican legislator, stating that while a principle of her party is to keep taxes low and keep government to a minimum, another says that the state has a responsibility to maintain its infrastructure. She finds inspiration in her beliefs from fellow Republican presidents Abraham Lincoln — who helped establish the continent-wide Union Pacific Railroad — and Dwight Eisenhower, who signed the federal law creating interstate highways.

“I am a conservative. You can look at my voting record,” Woods said. “A Republican principle is that government does for the people what they cannot do for themselves. We must preserve our infrastructure … I believe I am following Republican beliefs.”

Woods said she also worked to install the most rigorous performance auditing measures in the state’s history to ensure the money will be used wisely by WSDOT.

Her 23rd District counterpart, Rep. Sherry Appleton (D-Poulsbo), backed Woods’ decision, stating she was a leader who put partisan politics aside for a “small chunk of change for what we really need.”

“What has happened is that we haven’t been keeping up,” Appleton said of road and highway maintenance. “And we had (Transportation committee ranking majority member) Ed Murray (D-Seattle) and Bev Woods guide us, listening from every avenue.”

The November election will determine whether the state’s voters want to ride along on the 9.5 cent increase, or scrap it for cheaper gas at the pump. Woods said she hopes more than anything that political bickering will fall to the wayside and residents will put plenty of thought into the decision.

“I don’t know how it will fare,” Woods said. “I just ask people to become informed, seek the truth and make up their mind on how they want to move Washington forward.”
