‘Austin Hood’ at it again for MSC

The British invasion of the 1960s is alive and well in Poulsbo and while most of the bands taking the stage at Mudstock are just plain “Yanks,” the mastermind of it all was likely weaned on tea and crumpets, football (i.e. soccer) and statements like “God save the Queen.”

The British invasion of the 1960s is alive and well in Poulsbo and while most of the bands taking the stage at Mudstock are just plain “Yanks,” the mastermind of it all was likely weaned on tea and crumpets, football (i.e. soccer) and statements like “God save the Queen.”

Who else could pull something so ambitious off but Poulsbo’s very own Robin Hood. The slight difference being that while the famous (or infamous, depending on whether or not you work, have worked or may someday work in the city’s planning department) Bill Austin certainly does give to the poor — in this case the Marine Science Center — he doesn’t rob from the rich to do so.

Not necessary.

This Brit’s infectious wit and seemingly unparalleled energy to do good here suffices when open wallets and hard manual labor are the orders of the day. The latter of which he might joke is best suited for the “working class Irish.”

Austin’s revival of Mudstock, with help from his band of merrymen and women at the Bight of Poulsbo, is nothing short of amazing. Of course, we’ve all come to expect nothing less.

Errol Flynn might have landed the role in the 1938 movie “The Adventures of Robin Hood” but we’re pretty certain Olivia de Havilland (a.k.a. Maid Marian) would have preferred our own version. Besides, word has it he looks brilliant in tights. Smashing even.

The event, which got rolling at the Northwest Design Center (State Route 305 and Hostmark) yesterday, and continues today is sure to be a rollicking success.

So, as “Austin Hood” might say, “Welcome to Sherwood!”

Or in Poulsbo terms, “Velkommen til Mudstock!”
