Elementary students wave both hands in the air to celebrate the first day of school.
A teacher leads her students to the classroom on the first day of school Aug. 27.
This elementary student can’t help but grin while sharpening her pencil on the first day of school.
A student turns her head toward the front of the class while writing down notes.
Teacher David Byers of Suquamish Elementary engages his students on the first day of school Aug. 27.
Kingston Middle School students receive their schedules while staff help point them in the right direction.
Parents walk their children to their first day of school Aug. 27.
NKSD courtesy photos
North Kitsap High School teacher Jared Prince leads a class demonstration during the first day of school.
These students are eager to get off the bus in anticipation of the first day of school Aug. 27.
NKSD superintendent Rachel Davenport takes a selfie with elementary students on the first day of school.