A ‘foodline’ of a different sort

Pass the potatoes and stuffing please, just in time for Thanksgiving

It was a rainy Friday, but students from Bremerton High School were all smiles as they passed cans of beans and boxes of cereal one to another from the high school, across the street and down the block, to the Bremerton Foodline warehouse.

The Bremerton High School annual student food drive garnered 4,018 pounds of food for Thanksgiving food baskets.

“These kids are so important,” said Patti Peterson, executive director of the Bremerton Foodline.

Included in the  “Knight Food Chain” were the school’s leadership class, sports teams, the Key Club, the Junior ROTC, the Rotoact and others. They’ve now done the chain for several years, right before the holiday season.

It’s a chance for them to do something about hunger,” Peterson said.

