Test your Thanksgiving trivia | Kitsap Week

How Thanksgiving savvy are you? Take this quiz and find out.

1. The National Turkey Federation estimates how many turkeys were eaten for Thanksgiving 2010?

a. 11 million

b. 46 million

c. 150 million

2. How many American households eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

a. 65%

b. 72%

c. 90%

3. True or false: A female turkey gobbles louder than a male.

4. What’s the scientific name for a wishbone?

a. Furcula

b. Finial

c. Fontanel

5. The first Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade was held in 1924. What was a main attraction of the parade?

a. Central Park Zoo animals

b. President Calvin Coolidge

c. Greta Garbo

6. The first giant balloon for the Macy’s Parade debuted in 1927. What was the character?

a. Felix the Cat

b. Woody Woodpecker

c. Bullwinkle J. Moose

7. While Thanksgiving had been celebrated for many years, it did not become an official national holiday until when?

a. 1941

b. 1921

c. 1901

8. What football team has hosted the most games on Thanksgiving?

a. Kansas City Chiefs

b. Dallas Cowboys

c. Detroit Lions

9. Thanksgiving turkeys have been presented to U.S. presidents since 1947. Many turkeys became Thanksgiving dinner. Who was the first president to pardon his turkey?

a. Lyndon B. Johnson

b. George H.W. Bush

c. George W. Bush

10. True or false: The largest pumpkin pie ever baked was 20 feet in diameter and weighed 3,6999 pounds.



1. b

2. c

3. False. Female turkeys don’t gobble at all, they cluck. Male turkeys are the ones who gobble.

4. a; furcula means “little fork” in Latin.

5. a

6. a

7. a

8. b; except for during World War II, Detroit has hosted a football game on Thanksgiving since 1934.

9. b

10. True. It was baked in Ohio and used 1,212 pounds of canned pumpkin.

