Stars Above Kitsap | Kitsap Week

Horoscopes for Feb. 18 through March 5. "We are in the midst of a shift in ages...graduating from the Age of Pisces and taking on the Age of Aquarius’ mission of innovation and inclusion."


Stars Above Kitsap

If you have ever been caught in a tidal change, you know the power of such moments. We are in the midst of a 2,600-year shift in ages which moves backwards through the signs. We are graduating from the Age of Pisces and taking on the Age of Aquarius’ mission of innovation and inclusion.

Additionally, Aquarius is the sign that has the honor this year of presenting us with two new moons instead of only one. We get a second look at our Aquarian initiation. This second one occurs Feb. 18 at 3:37 p.m. and DO NOT BLINK! Instantly the moon moves to Pisces. Two minutes later (not long enough to make yourself a latte) the sun parades into Pisces too.

We dive from the airy intellectual heights of Aquarius into the soft, fluid feeling world of Pisces in this flash flood of change. The highest Piscean principle is eloquently stated by Chief Seattle. “All things share the same air — the beast, the tree, the man.” This is the experiential arena of connecting to our heart-brain where we are all one.

This Aquarian/Pisces theme forces us to contemplate our security as individuals and as a society to step into an invisible, multi-dimension calling us to interdependence and interconnectedness?

Whether or not we consciously feel this sea change, the times they are a changin’. Seriously.


Feb. 18 to March 5

Aquarius, without going all preachy-preachy, get creative about how to bring your broad-mindedness into your professional life. Open your mind, flow to your heart and ahhhh, feel that tidal pull? It’s a more inclusive and caring perception you need before you can make progress.

Pisces, five planets in Pisces are on stage, but your get-up-and-go moves to Aries tomorrow. Tides muddy the water as they push and pull toward shore. Your co-workers need your unerring, fluid senses to align with the bigger picture. It may be illogical, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work!

Aries, your ruling planet, Mars, arrives home Feb. 19. Proceed with care. With Uranus, the god of sudden chaos also in Aries, pick your battles. Knee-jerk reactions are not helpful. Are you working for the people or for your ego? Maturity can help but even MacBeth made a big mistake on this one, and the witches warned him! Contemplate and feel it in your gut.

Taurus, your ruler, Venus, runs after Mars into Aries on Feb. 21. This action takes place in your blind spot along with that lightning god, Uranus. You’ll be walking the fine line between imagination and the edgy ego when all you wanted was a down-to-earth action plan. Count to 10, then to a hundred. Breath and trust the backroom action. It’s coming …

Gemini, TGMID (short for “Thank God, Mercury is Direct”) and two personal planets in Aries, you are cleared for takeoff. Any trip, even a short one, can bring clarity. Your gift for logic taps into the ebb and flow of public needs. Fill those needs and watch your endeavors prosper.

Cancer, find some quiet for the arrival of this new moon. You could experience the allness, the oneness. When God speaks, take good notes because then it’s back to chopping wood and carrying water — but, oh, baby, it’s a whole new world. Seriously, make a date with this new moon.

Leo, you little firebaby. With five planets in watery Pisces on Feb. 17-18, you are out of your element. Water extinguishes fire. Or could it be like the quickening, a spark of life in the amniotic waters. Soften and be still — a deep healing and a rebirth is underway.

Virgo, Mercury direct could bring new colleagues, pets or protocols — whatever — the motion is forward. Murky feelings about partners or a close friend could be kicked up. Bide your time and hone your focus. What does the marriage need? A trip? Alone or together? Take off after Feb. 18.

Libra, your ruler, soft, gentle Venus is off to Aries-Land where the “I” is in opposition to the “thou” and Mr. Mars in Aries will not leave it alone. You will serve the needs of your near and dear this month. A friend could be edging into a fling. Boundaries in dividing work duties are leaky.

Scorpio, Mars in Aries is pointed, active, revolutionary, and personal — you totally get Aries. This energy shows up at work where teamwork goes out the window, but you look good to the boss. Interoffice politics work for you. The personal areas of your chart are bubbling with activity

Sagittarius, Saturn and your ruling planet, Jupiter retrograde, tone down your natural active energy. There is so much going on deep in your personal life. Well, observation and experience trump being in your head. Buckle down and pick your words carefully.

Capricorn, ambition is best used when used for the betterment of all. Upgrade your reading, talking and learning to be as spiritual a leader as you are an organizational one. This is the energy signature of Martin Luther King Jr. Feel what is right and just, and do that. You are getting an overhaul in how to use personal power to empower the group.

Suzanne O’Clair is a practicing astrologer of 40 years. She uses astrological charts to get more out of life. Check out her website and blog at Contact her at 360-509-6400.
