Stars Above Kitsap | Kitsap Week

Horoscope for April 4-18 — On April 5-8, the stars illuminate important insights to uncertainties that the past few years unleashed. We have worked too hard to miss the message, so tune in, focus on the future, and listen for directions.


Suzanne O’Clair is a practicing astrologer of 40 years. She is available for astrological readings to help you get more out of your life. She can be reached at 360-509-6400 or through her website for conversations or appointments.

Alert! Do not unfasten your seat belt!

The trip to healing and wholeness is not a free ride, and we have work to do before arrival. It’s time to pick up the reins of your life and steer a path closer to your heart’s desires.

Eclipses trace 20-year cycles which set up life themes. Think back to what you were doing in 1995. What did you drop then that you’d like to pick up again?

The recent lunar eclipse moves security issues and unconscious patterns aside and gives us time to evaluate, unemotionally, how we must move forward.

Aries is the initiating, life-giving energy of the Zodiac. It’s the “I’m in!” and “Let’s get ‘er done!” sign. The shadow side of Aries is, well, rude and dominating. This eclipse points to finding ways to express the dynamics of Aries leadership within collaborative partnerships (Libra) so all can move forward harmoniously. Speaking our truth with courage and courtesy could work miracles now.

On April 5-8, the stars illuminate important insights to uncertainties that the past few years unleashed. We have worked too hard to miss the message, so tune in, focus on the future, and listen for directions.

This winter’s charts guided us through an endgame equivalent to the final chapters of the “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. There is no going back: bridges were burned, systems demolished. It will take the noble qualities of the fellowship of the ring to rebuild a better future. Those archetypes exist in each of us. Activate them now — starting with the future-facing courage of Strider, the Aries warrior-king.


April 4-18

Read your rising sign and your moon sign if you know them, too.

Aries, such exciting times for you and a new year to boot. You can’t go it alone so seek your natural buddies. Your go-get-’em personality is on fire so pick your target and don’t throw that energy around all willy-nilly! Initiate through deliberate action, cowboy.

Taurus, Mars comes to visit. Use it to plod forth knocking on doors and being seen by those you want the attention of. Colleagues are congenial and helpful. Take time to review last year. Resolve what needs attention and look at how you undermine yourself (Yeah, you!).

Gemini, Mercury in fire inspires you to spread your wings and fly. Shake the networking tree — friends can facilitate changes you seek. Once the door opens, be deliberate to get what you want. Dreams are talking to you.

Cancer, so much going on at work, so much desire to be home. This eclipse says re-invent yourself at work. Ask for help. It feels risky, but you more than pull your weight and there are those who will help. Be brave, ask — you could get home sooner.

Leo, oh, my goodness, you want a spring break. Take it if at all possible and watch new ideas ignite. You worked hard all winter setting cement at the foundation of your chart. Finally, you are getting noticed. Can’t leave? Adventures of the mind work. Gather friends on a sunny deck.

Virgo, part of intimacy is speaking up for yourself. Sometimes, it just seems you have to yell to be heard. Lower your voice, pick your moments and ask your guardian angel for help (who do you think helps with your to-do-lists?). A little future dreaming together works.

Libra, your full moon in eclipse has your partners or clients looking to you for everything. Try to see their point of view, even though you feel vulnerable. Deep-seated patterns are coming into sight. Easy does it. A time-out and quiet reflection may be the ticket.

Scorpio, man, it’s all about work lately. Work, work, work with its strategies and intrigues is fun for you. Be sure health routines can sustain the extreme sport of work.

Sagittarius, you are hyped up for adventures with sporty-types. Saturn, the task master, let up a bit, but you know in your heart you’re about to embark on a journey that will call forth your inspiring self. Find your mission and embark. The Earth needs you!

Capricorn, such deep changes over the past few years, but rebirth is at hand. Retreating home is a necessity. Still, you’re digging to find your true voice and act on it. Work-wise, diplomacy and some mental health days are called for. You deserve it!

Aquarius, OK, Chatty Cathy, it’s all about you! Places to go, people to see — it’s simply inspiring to be you and that is okay. Remember to include your significant one and listen to other points of view. Are you blogging? Publishing? What’s the new focus?

Pisces, frankly, the more you take charge, the more money you make. And the better you feel about yourself which leads to new ventures. Chat openly with a best friend who helps you clarify your intentions so even you are clear.
