Should cell phones be allowed in schools? | The Buc Stops Here | May

Cell phones are used by more than 203 million people in the United States. As Americans we use our cell phones for talking with friends, work, or family. We use it to check out the web, play games, take pictures, keep track of our peers and many other things. Four out of five teens carry a cell phone on them at all the times; sleeping, going shopping, even at school. Is it a good idea for a public school child to have a cell phone on them at school?

“With kids being so busy nowadays, it’s become somewhat of a necessity to have one on your person most of the time,” said Emily Wahl, a past student of Kingston High School. “I know I definitely used mine a lot. However, there should be no reason why it should be out during class. Ultimately, what the kids do with their phone outside of class is their business, not the schools.”

Many students now are willing to have after school activities; whether it is just hanging out with their fellow students, doing their homework, playing a sport or an after school club students need a way to call home to get a ride home from their parent or guardian.

“It’s a good idea for a student to have a cell phone on them because, say there is an emergency and somebody needs to contact you ASAP,” said Shawn Evens, a Kingston High student. “But a reason why students shouldn’t be able to have a cell phone on them is students will be too attracted to texting which in turn will take away learning opportunities and it might distract the student throughout the course of the day.”

Some teachers have a hard time making sure a student is not texting and is paying attention in class. Many teens can text with their eyes closed making it hard to catch a student that is texting.

There are positives and negatives about letting a student carry a cell phone on them during school hours. Aundroniqie Desireé Sluys, Charlie Roberts, Austin King and other students I talked to say the main reason for students to carry cell phones is in case of an emergencies.

Many students feel safe carrying their cell phones  with them because if an emergency happens at home or at school, they can get ahold of someone fast.


Melissa Castle is a senior at Kingston High School.
