Last call

Bremerton: This could be your last chance to see Seattle sonic legend Dejha.

Bremerton: This could be your last chance to see Seattle sonic legend Dejha.

The voice of the Pin-Ups and 3D S&M in the old school, more recently with the Rotten Apples, who’s also been called “the singer/musician with the sultriest punk style this side of Joan Jett,” comes to Bremerton this weekend to jam with a couple of Bremermen in homage of another lady legend — Blondie.

They call their tribute Blackie, in honor of the sultry Dejha.

Countless comparisons have been made between Dejha and Blondie, Dejha and Jett, the Rotten Apples and the Ronettes, the list goes on. But the bottom line is she’s one of the most swinging punk rocker chicks around, and she’s still doing her thing.

Some may have recently heard her with her newest project, Ragazza, but the Feb. 23 Winterland show should expose her roots, offering up a healthy serving of rocking girls’ bands.

Word has it that this may be the last time she’ll be in Kitsap, Winterland manager Tony Winters said, as she plans to move back to her native New York City.

BLACKIE (A Blondie Tribute) w/ LD & Her Pretty Pretties and guests at 9:30 p.m. Feb. 23 at Winterland, 1220 Sylvan Way in Bremerton. 21+, $5 cover.
