Ho-ho-home for the holidays | Stars Above Kitsap

What do you want for Christmas? Really, truly, deeply. Whatever it is, it probably is not for sale at the mall, in a catalog or online. And therein lies the yearning, angst and general unrest of the Season. The outer world demands more of our time and attention at a time our inner world needs more of both.

Kitsap Weekly columnist

What do you want for Christmas? Really, truly, deeply. Whatever it is, it probably is not for sale at the mall, in a catalog or online. And therein lies the yearning, angst and general unrest of the Season. The outer world demands more of our time and attention at a time our inner world needs more of both.

On some level, we are just critters. Human critters, true, but as the sun sets earlier and nights are longer, our bodies want to slow down. Taking time now to do so allows us to repair, review and revise our past year making a stronger base for the new year. It’s rather like dissecting last year’s garden while dreaming of our future one with the Burpee Seed Catalog in hand!

For the first time in 38 years, Christmas Eve/Morning comes wrapped in a Full Moon (Dec.  25, 3:11 a.m. PST). Cancer is all about home, hearth, mother, tradition, ancestors and deep personal roots of all kinds, including psychological responses, both conscious and unconscious.

All hearts want to come home at Christmas. The words “Hearts,” “Home,” “Christmas” activate our deepest desires to return to the place of peace, expansion and unlimited possibilities. Of innocence and timelessness, space and stars — where all is well and good for all beings.

A full moon in Cancer amplifies this longing. And, here we are in a house with each person feeling the pull while smiling, and being with those we love the most, and who stir many other old responses: sibling rivalry, parental resistance, childhood powerlessness! Yikes. Peace on Earth, you say?

What if for one day, we paid attention to our knee-jerk reactions — and just didn’t go there? What if we close our eyes, put our hand on our heart (linking head and heart; HeartMath.com), open our eyes, and like Santa, let the twinkle show in our smile? One day once a year. It’s a start.

Horoscopes: read your Rising sign (Ascendent) and Sun Sign

From Christmas Day until Jan. 6, all planets travel in direct motion. Every Sun sign can move full steam ahead on their chosen path. Additionally, the Winter Solstice chart stands strong in earth signs signaling three months ahead to make real things happen. Astrology is an energy report. We choose how we use the energy so use these tailwinds wisely and move on down the road!

Capricorn, happy Solstice, happy birthday! Friends celebrate you. Your power lies in leading us into the Light. Take a forward step now. If the action needs adjustment, January brings re-visions. Your make-over of the last few years continues bringing wisdom and timeless values.

Aquarius, take time for a year review. Wise acquaintances become mentors helping you update your psychological terrain as you lean into the personal challenge of integration. My Heady Friend, feelings, body and spirit are part of the package! Use them all.

Pisces, take the middle way for new “a-ha’s” concerning career and future hopes! Keep spouse and close friends at hand for wise counsel and reality checks. You’re a teacher this year as we all learn what is “real” and what is “soul” — the edge where your superpower lies.

Aries, the spotlight is on work. Use newfound drive for authenticity as a leader. Go for collaboration and co-creation every chance you get — even the Lone Ranger had Tonto. As you hook up with loved ones, you’re forced to go into unfamiliar but heartfelt territory. Be brave!

Taurus — OK, Stoic One, use your words to tell those you love that you love them. It opens your heart and theirs! Shine at home for the Holidays — unless you take the whole crew on a cruise. Get out of your box somehow for a fresh view. Broad horizons await.

Gemini, connecting deeply with your peeps triggers the opportunity to move from head to heart. If it’s too much, counselors make great guides through touchy-feely territory where Mercury goes retrograde soon.

Cancer, it’s your beautiful, pearl-white, winter moon riding high. Your super powers shows us what family, self-caring and home really mean: the work, the tradition, and the stability they give. Bond with spouse to keep the family story going. Emotions of the Season fill your heart.

Leo, steady down on the daily routines as your dazzle takes a break. Yep, at the Holidays! Celebrate camaraderie by sharing your glowing, radiant spotlight with collaborating Self-expression and healthcare — choose to schedule massage, dentist, etc.

Virgo, kids, recreation and personal creativity keep the party going. Since August, you’ve been on a roll. Ahead, you’ll review what you’ve moved down the track. But, baby, your hard work, details and precision are paying off. No chance you’ll let up!

Libra, how much appreciation can you take? Let it into your heart. Words are more carefully chosen because when they aren’t, there’s trouble, trouble, trouble. Just a learning curve in your area of expertise — diplomacy! Keep stepping up to a higher level.

Scorpio, on New Year’s you shift from behind the scenes to leading the pack. Your piercing eyes point out the path for us. Write, teach, talk but show us the way. Personal time-out helps you see how to do this. Be willing to surprise yourself as you are seen!

Sagittarius, respect yourself — drop the party persona. Leadership energy is all over the place but you must respect yourself, not inflate the ego. It’s a tough lesson at any age. If you’re 28 to 30 years old, it’s a post-graduate seminar in real adulthood.

Hands-on education is your adventure for 2016.

— Suzanne O’Clair is a practicing astrologer of 40 years. She is available for astrological readings at 360-509-6400 or at her website at ostarsabove.com.

