The state’s budgetary henhouse is being guarded by foxes


It seems to me the county and state governments that are and have been controlled by the Democratic Party are totally oblivious to the financial burdens they’re imposing on their residents.
We have a state government that has decided to reduce funding to schools and those most vulnerable amongst us.
They ignore the billions of dollars obligated via the unfunded state employee union retirement and healthcare costs.
As a matter of fact, the states’ retiree health insurance is unfunded to the tune of nearly $8 billion.
According to the state actuary, two of Washington’s nine pension plans are already in the red with unfunded liabilities totaling nearly $7 billion.
This does not include an additional $8 billion in unfunded post-retirement benefit liability, primarily for retiree healthcare.
Instead of supporting the nationwide protests against the Legislatures, I would think holding the unions representing them accountable would be the intelligent thing to do.
Right to Work states in most cases have higher employment and less debt.
When you really evaluate public employee unions, you can honestly come to only one conclusion, and that is they are a charade and their collective bargaining is a joke.
These unions collectively bargain with those they placed into office.
The best analogy is the fox guarding the chicken coop.
Either the politician gives in or they loose union support in the next election.
To believe all of these current protests are about collective bargaining and worker rights are baloney.
The real issue is union control of the states legislatures.

