Sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant | Letters

Congratulations to Sound Publishing and the North Kitsap Herald for attempting to deal with all-too-frequent nasty anonymous blog comments infecting the conversation on your website.

Congratulations to Sound Publishing and the North Kitsap Herald for attempting to deal with all-too-frequent nasty anonymous blog comments infecting the conversation on your website.

Anonymous blogger, if you are big enough to make the comment, be man or woman enough to attach your real name to the comment. The community then can give you the applause or laughter the comment deserves.

This problem of nasty anonymous blog comments has been going on with blog comments for several years, at least as long as current editor Richard Walker has been at the paper’s helm. With a  2012 presidential election and a wide array of local elections and initiatives on the horizon, the current nasty anonymous blog comments would have been even more over the top than they at times are.

Again, congrats to Sound Publishing for taking this action.  It was long overdue, but better late than never. Sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant.

James M. Olsen
Bainbridge Island

