Stop vandalizing campaign signs

I am writing to repudiate whomever is slicing political signs in the northern portion of Kitsap County. I do not know who is doing it.

I am writing to repudiate whomever is slicing political signs in the northern portion of Kitsap County. I do not know who is doing it.

Recently James Olsen’s signs were slashed, and he has made his unhappiness about this well known. I speak of those signs belonging to Democratic Party candidates. One of our volunteers have found several of them slashed with a similar characteristic cut on each.

I have personally stood my opponent’s sign straight and pounded it in better when I found it crooked. During the Kitsap County Fair, I saw several Democratic Party candidates’ signs toppled from the wind, and went to the Pavilion and told the folks in the Democratic Party booth about those signs. I believe in liberty, including the liberty to speak freely.

Politics being what it is, I have no idea if there is a Republican-leaning person destroying signs, or a Democratic-leaning person trying a subterfuge, or a person who simply likes destroying signs.

What I want all persons to know is my total disdain for this practice. Regardless who is doing it, this practice of destroying an opponent’s signs is worthy of Brownshirts, circa 1930s Germany, not our America which is founded on freedom of expression. I encourage this person to stop.

I am sure my opponent is of like mind. It is not my place to speak for her, but I think I know her well enough to suggest she would be equally against this practice.

Tony Stephens
Editor’s note: Stephens is the Republican candidate for 23rd District state representative, Position 1.

