On war and the two-party system | Letter to the Editor

A natural law of the universe is “like attracts like.” What type of energy we put out there comes back; it grows.

On war and the two-party system

A natural law of the universe is “like attracts like.” What type of energy we put out there comes back; it grows.

We will never have the peace we long for till we end wars.

The men and women we send to war return damaged, and sometimes very angry. War perpetuates aggression; it never ends it.

The only winners are those in the weapons industry. It’s a for-profit game. Greed is not pretty and it keeps war going, as long as we allow it.

Wars have society full of damaged, angry people.

Our Congress continually professes searching ways to have peace while continually funding the war machine. We can’t have both.

P.S. If you were hoping for the crucially needed revolution that Bernie Sanders was proposing, it’s still possible with Gary Johnson, an Independent and two-time governor of New Mexico. We still have choices. Get informed. Corporate-owned multimedia is trying hard to keep him out of the debates.

Our two-party system isn’t working, nor is it democratic.

Ann Brown


