MLK would have stood on behalf of the innocent

In the run-up to the MLK celebration, there was widespread local press and PR about appointed state Rep. Hansen’s public Bainbridge church presentation and a legislative floor speech on aspects of Dr. King.

Dec. 7, 1941: “A day that will live in infamy.” Aftermath: 60 million war deaths. Jan. 22, 1973: Controversial Supreme Court judicial overreach with Roe v. Wade. Aftermath: 54 million legalized U.S. abortions.

In the run-up to the MLK celebration, there was widespread local press and PR about appointed state Rep. Hansen’s public Bainbridge church presentation and a legislative floor speech on aspects of Dr. King. Rev. King was a fearless leader for the innocent and oppressed, a true man of action and not just chatter. If our legislative leaders understood more about the fire of MLK and about less the talking points, all Washington legislators would have left their warm marbled chambers to stand with the thousands standing in the snowy cold on the Capital steps on Jan. 17 for the “Right to Life.” Alas, most Washington legislators preferred their comfort to the front lines defending our most innocent.

Martin Luther King, like Jesus, would have been stirred to anger about the inactions in the Temple. I could easily have seen Dr. King standing arm in arm with the thousands standing in vigil for true protection of the innocent.

James M. Olsen
Bainbridge Island

