Kitsap can’t afford more Garrido

Newcomers to Kitsap County — beware. A friendly looking lady presenting herself as a community volunteer who supports education, job creation and transportation was removed from office eight years ago by the voters, and she has repeatedly tried — but failed — to get her job back.

Charlotte Garrido is her name, and gridlock is her game.

Her four years as county commissioner in the late 1990s brought malaise, inaction and endless studies.

Employers took their businesses to other areas while Kitsap county residents lost good job opportunities.

Safety projects to improve our roads were sidelined while Charlotte created land-use catastrophes.

Kitsap county is facing serious budgetary shortfalls. The last person we want to navigate us through tough financial waters is Charlotte Garrido, who as a South Kitsap Parks and Recreation District commissioner helped drive the district into bankruptcy and dissolution.


Port Orchard
