If he could, he’d vote for Seaquist

As a high school student, I’m not old enough to vote in the upcoming primary election. That’s why I’m writing to ask that you vote on my behalf for Larry Seaquist for state representative.

As a high school student, I’m not old enough to vote in the upcoming primary election. That’s why I’m writing to ask that you vote on my behalf for Larry Seaquist for state representative.

Larry won my support because of his dedication to fully funding our schools. In addition, when Larry was chairman of the Higher Education Committee, he froze tuition and stopped tuition increases. He also increased student aid at state colleges and universities. I have no doubt when Larry is elected he will work tirelessly to improve our education system, following his Apple Action Agenda education plan.

In addition, when Larry was in the state House of Representatives, he took a voluntary 5 percent pay cut and refused state health care, showing his tireless dedication to this state, placing that at a higher position than his own personal gain.

For those reasons, I fully support Larry Seaquist for state representative.

Max Meyer
Gig Harbor


