Gun control won’t make gun violence go away

As a sixth-generation loyal American, I strongly urge you to immediately contact your legislators to oppose any legislation to ban so-called “assault weapons” and “large” ammunition magazines.

As a sixth-generation loyal American, I strongly urge you to immediately contact your legislators to oppose any legislation to ban so-called “assault weapons” and “large” ammunition magazines.

Firstly, all guns are inanimate. Their purpose is determined by the user. Since uniformed personnel are now being targeted by the lawless, they need the NRA-trained backup of voluntary citizens who may be on the scene.

Millions of Americans choose to own semi-automatic firearms (not fully automatic, which are illegal), with ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds for the same reason as law enforcement officers: they are effective for self-defense. A firearm that allows its lawful user to discharge multiple shots is often the difference between life and death. Numerous studies have shown that firearms are used for self-defense up to 2.5 million times annually, 3 to 5 times more often for self-defense than to commit a crime.

A previous ban on these inanimate objects was in effect from 1994-2004 and had no discernible effect on violent crime, according to a study of the ban mandated by Congress.

Women like me (age 90+ who has “seen it all”) do not want Sen. Feinstein’s bill. Guns are assault weapons only when in the hands of potential criminals. They are the best equalizer in the hands of an NRA-trained female attacked in a dark parking lot. They often bridge the time gap between the criminal attack and the arrival of uniformed police.

When an autocratic government has confiscated your gun(s) and made gun-free neighborhoods, criminals and big government alike will move in. This is the best reason to protect the Second Amendment.

Rather than expanding previous legislation that fails to curb violence, penalizes law-abiding gun owners and does not deter criminals, I urge you to support legislation to enhance school security and improve our nation’s ailing mental health system.

Marion Larm

