Don’t replace Sen. Tim Sheldon

I recently read an opinion in a local newspaper from a person that apparently really dislikes State Sen. Tim Sheldon (D-Potlatch) for some unknown reason other than her water bill is to high each month.

I recently read an opinion in a local newspaper from a person that apparently really dislikes State Sen. Tim Sheldon (D-Potlatch) for some unknown reason other than her water bill is to high each month.

In all true fact it is a real pleasure to have Sen. Sheldon in this state’s Senate because he is taking a stand against his own party accompanied by less than a handful of other senators who have joined him in an attempt to get this states out of control government under control. I say to him, “Well done Sen. Sheldon, don’t stop what you’re doing, don’t give it up.”

Without going back and digging out the article I believe the writer referred to Sen. Sheldon as a “maverick.” A maverick, yes, in the likes of Warren Magnuson and Scoop Jackson, the “get action guys.”

To the female author of the opinion I would say these things: “Stupid is as stupid does” and “It would be absolutely insane to replace Sen. Tim Sheldon.”

My other advice would be, “Cut your water consumption and your water bill will go down.”

Larry L. Mann | Port Orchard

