Central Kitsap Reporter Letters to the Editor | Sept. 20

It’s about time to realize that political campaign blustering computes easily with television commercials, in thirds: 1/3 truths, 1/3 half-truths, and 1/3 lies (except lately, campaign truths diminishing, lies expanding).

Decision 2008

Vote responsibly

It’s about time to realize that political campaign blustering computes easily with television commercials, in thirds: 1/3 truths, 1/3 half-truths, and 1/3 lies (except lately, campaign truths diminishing, lies expanding).

Best now until November is to ignore what is being said — hasn’t it all been said already? — and simply go by gut feeling and stick to it. Regardless of what the contenders and their “advisors” spew out, and regardless of blind party loyalty, ask, from inside yourself, which really is the best choice to run this country? Look in a mirror at that person looking back: What is that person’s true gut feeling? Then vote responsibly.



Steer clear of the socialist path

Before you send in your ballot in November, I suggest you do some reading. If you want a socialist country, I guess you won’t mind having leaders who don’t mind taking from the “haves” and giving to the “have nots” which Alinsky and socialists would call the re-distribution of wealth. Class warfare! I read Saul Alinsky’s two books, “Reveille for Radicals” and “Rules for Radicals,” when my Congressman Charlie Gubser, 10th District in California, warned us about the training centers (Sunnyvale Standard, 11/17/65) as reported in the Aug. 23, 1965 issue of U.S. News and World Report. I have researched and documented this movement of Alinsky and his followers since 1965 and believe me it is something for all Americans to worry about! I saw firsthand when Alinsky-trained people took over in our city of Sunnyvale and most people weren’t paying any attention. When I say “research,” my files were/are full of hundreds, if not thousands, of articles as well as a number of books in my library that relate to the subject.

Both Barak and Hillary were influenced by Alinsky’s movement and still are. When Hillary was a student at Wellesley she wrote her thesis as a tribute to Alinsky. This country did not become the great country it is on socialism. Other countries around the world are finding out the hard way what socialism is all about, so let us not go down that path.



Most important election

Recently, a close friend of mine told me she did not vote in the primary election. I was flabbergasted to say the least. This is the most important election, I believe, in American history.

Let’s look at our own state government starting with “our” governor, Christine Gregoire.

1. We have a 33 percent increase in spending, and it only took four years. This leaves our state with a $2.7 billion deficit.

2. Gregoire has doubled the cost of her “personal staff.” If that isn’t bad enough — she has tripled her communications staff.

Need more?

3. Gregoire supports a state income tax.

4. Gregoire and her “Democrat-controlled” Legislature raised taxes over $1.1 billion.

I don’t want that to happen again or have this group back in office again.

I’ve had enough. Have you?

This time, everyone needs to get the vote out and your vote does count.

