Teen owner of Poulsbo PowerSports scooting his way to American dream

Somewhere, between shuffling a West Sound Tech course-load, assembling slick black road scooters and running an upstart business, is 17-year-old Kevin Weiss.

His shop, Poulsbo PowerSports, first strikes olfactorily: Its dim, stylized tans and cutting black accents are preempted by the smell of new leather and vinyl. Parked in the small space are four scooters, ranging in price between $1,000-$2,000. Strung along the dealership’s walls are riding jackets, hanging next to boxed shelves containing helmets, gloves and goggles.

But there’s one thing none of the products are, and that’s hued in baby blue.

“Last summer, when gas was really high, like $4, I bought a scooter online,” Weiss says, standing in the middle of his showroom. But its arrival in the shade of an Easter egg moved Weiss to assemble it and hawk it on Craig’s List, where he turned a decent profit. Shortly thereafter, he purchased five more scooters, assembled each and sold four, using the proceeds to pay for the fifth, which he kept for himself.

Having previously driven a Ford F250 — which ran him $120/week in gas costs — Weiss now had a more affordable mode of transportation.

“I said ‘I need something just for fun so I can save on gas, just a little bit,’” he explained. The scooters, after all, run 80 miles to the gallon — a harsh comparison to his truck’s 12 mpg’s.

But Weiss also discovered he enjoys putting the machines together. It was a discovery that led to something few attempt, especially at 17: opening a business during a registered economic hurricane.

Despite the leveling of gas prices Weiss has set up shop especially for first-time riders. Poulsbo PowerSports carries scooters, All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and a full line of clothing and accessories. Weiss said prices are kept low so that any sport newcomer can get in on the game.

“For the first-time rider, it’s a really easy thing to get into,” he said. “I stand behind these products.”

He knows them well, too, as Weiss says he assembles each according to standard checklists and has access to parts.

At Poulsbo PowerSports, through the grand opening month of April buyers can receive $100 off the price of any scooter or ATV — “and I think we’ve already got the best prices around here,” Weiss adds.

The dealership will begin offering rentals May 1.

As for its owner, a junior also taking satellite classes through North Kitsap High, he plans to graduate from NK next year and hopes to stay in Poulsbo, as he likes small-town life. At Poulsbo PowerSports, he also manages two part-time employees.

“It’s fun, but at the same time it’s a lot of hard work for a kid my age,” Weiss says, a brief flick of his shoulders a signal of that well-known teen shrug. “My dream for this is probably to open up a bigger store in Olhava when I graduate from college, doing all the powersport gear you can imagine.”
