Team Innovative makes overpass mural ‘shine’

Team Innovative Landscaping pressure-washed the mural on the Anderson Hill Road overpass, making it — in the words of one observer — “bright and shiny again.”

POULSBO — Team Innovative Landscaping pressure-washed the mural on the Anderson Hill Road overpass, making it — in the words of one observer — “bright and shiny again.”

The mural, painted in 2009, features wildlife scenes and was designed by muralist Joanne Tejeda of Belfair. It was covered with a clear-coat finish to make cleanup easier.

“A couple weeks ago, Ken Perry of Team Innovative Landscaping called to say he thought it need of a spring cleaning. It sure did,” wrote Tex Lewis of the Clear Creek Task Force.

“Before sun up [March 24], Ken and his sidekick Leon came out with two pressure washers and did a marvelous cleaning job. Ken did not want to inconvenience the community, so he started in the cold, gray dark of dawn and punched it out in under two hours. The Kitsap County Public Works traffic shop provided the signs and cones.

“Our community is blessed with business owners such as Ken, who see a need and step forward to make things better. The Public Works guys asked how they could help. It was a wonderful example of the cooperation that makes this such a nice place to live.”

