I do not support the recent decision on the panhandling, how it is being implemented and the silo mentality behind it.
Currently, Mayor Patty Lent is looking to make an end-run around the city charter by eliminating the budget for the city auditor position, thus eliminating the position itself.
The opportunity to serve on the Bremerton district’s finance committee when it came along, seemed like a natural choice to me as an available learning experience.
The undermining of the overall message that the organization sustains will garner significant damage
When a retailer or institution is compromised the vicious time consuming job of protecting oneself falls to the individual consumer
These monsters are the worst kind of evil. They use their positions in their neighborhoods and their communities to be close to or gain individual access to their prey.
A Sept. 10 letter signed by Bremerton City Council President Greg Wheeler and Mayor Patty Lent was sent to developer Ron Ragge, manager of Gold Mountain Capital, LLC. The entire letter was comprised of only three sentences that pushed citizen opposition and city disinterest in supporting the development of a casino at a location on Callow Avenue.
A Sept. 10 letter signed by Bremerton City Council President Greg Wheeler and Mayor Patty Lent was sent to developer Ron Ragge, manager of Gold Mountain Capital, LLC. The entire letter was comprised of only three sentences that pushed citizen opposition and city disinterest in supporting the development of a casino at a location on Callow Avenue.
For the last decade the Washington State Ferry System has been presenting what has now been revealed as nothing more than a deliberately manufactured fantasy of an actual transportation service.
Visitors and those in town looking to conduct some business can and should be directed to services and or attractions that can be found throughout Bremerton.
Looking for international travel that is only a few hours away?
In the past month or so, the increasing number of small crimes occurring in my Union Hill neighborhood have been on a significant and personal rise.
Columnist Colleen Smidt offers her input on why she believes voters should renew the EMS levy.
In the past few weeks the flood of uniform, repetitive campaign signs cropping up in, around and on top of just about every available public right-of way-space.
Warm weather, award winning brews and a festive atmosphere in downtown Bremerton, combined with a few hundred of your friends, and it is a good time to be had by all.
Two news items about the Bremerton School District that were put out this week have me combining them into a single column.
One thing that is certain is that any governing or stewarding policy adopted in regards to smoking in public spaces will not make everyone happy.
There are typically two reasons as to why public committees are conveyed.
What makes a BlueJacket game a fun experience is the various forms of between-inning entertainment
For Bremerton, it is a major loss and possibly even the straw that breaks the ca