Support local businesses during road improvements | In Our Opinion

Construction is well underway on the Silverdale Way road-widening project.

When completed in 2018, the project will result in five traffic lanes, 5-foot bike lanes, 6-foot planter areas, 8-foot sidewalks, new street lighting, a new traffic signal at NW Byron Street and Silverdale Way NW, and an upgraded stormwater system for a 43-acre drainage basin.

The project is going to greatly improve the movement of traffic, promote a walkable (and bikeable) community, and enhance the local aesthetic.

But don’t let work in the project area area dissuade you from visiting businesses there. All businesses are open during construction but delays are expected. Plan ahead.

This week, the contractor continues to work on the storm system on Silverdale Way, from Byron Street and extending to the north. A second crew began work on the storm system on Silverdale Way just south of Anderson Hill Road and will likely begin the sanitary sewer upgrades in Carlton Street as well.

According to the county Department of Public Works:

• Carlton Street (between Pacific Avenue and Silverdale Way) will close during daytime work hours for the sanitary sewer upgrades. The work is expected to take three weeks. Carlton Street will reopen during the evening and non-work hours.

• Shoulder closure and one-way alternating traffic on Silverdale Way for the storm work, from Byron Street and extending to the north. Flaggers will assist motorists through the work zones. Traffic delays are expected.

• The Silverdale Way center turn lane will close, from Lowell Road to Anderson Hill Road, to accommodate northbound traffic which will be reduced to one lane. The closure will continue through the week.

This project is important to the area. So are those businesses in the construction area. Continue to support them. And follow project updates in this newspaper and on
