In politics and sports, such is life

About 20 years ago, I was part of a trade visit to Moscow with a French company. The plan was to discuss a joint project to assist a Russian company.

After two months of discussions and visits, the Russian company decided to proceed and felt confident enough to handle their project without our assistance. C’est la vie! “Such is life!” You win some, you lose some and move on.

Locally, on Lake Washington about six years ago, I helped a docking boat by taking a line and assisting with the tie up. It turned out the family on the boat spoke good English, but I could easily tell they were of Russian origin. They were happy and conversational, then thanked me. We shook hands and I said, “My pleasure.”

I mention these encounters because if I was part of the Trump family, I would currently be front-page news for colluding with the Russians, of having questionable past dealings with Russians and the inevitable calls for independent investigations into my obvious acts of treason! Sounds rather familiar, right?

Understand this: Politics is seriously competitive. Winning is a powerful driving force. Losing can be upsetting and sometimes the team and fans need to say, “We weren’t our best.”

Major sports at all levels are not void of unscrupulous activity: players diving, feigning injury to secure unfair advantage, lip readers supplying play strategy via Bluetooth.

Face it, in any activity where the stakes are high — be it sports or politics — there is always high risk of shady players and dubious activity. Most wish it wasn’t, but such is life!

Just remember to be balanced and fair to all sides. If Trump and Republicans are investigated for questionable activity, then also investigate HRC and previous Democrats. The same rules must apply. Sweeping aside the facts and real news of one team and focusing on another is now, sadly, the norm.

Fortunately, more honest news is being sought and more Americans are offended by some of the blatant bias or omission of important news.

Just last year a major story worthy of better coverage was when the previous president threatened the British with his “back of the line for American support” if they voted for leaving the EU. The Brits were offended and went against his threat. Brexit is happening and the USA and Brits are as strong as ever.

How many of us know that three weeks ago the USA lost to New Zealand in the America’s Cup? Come on, guys, the boats and sailing skills were truly phenomenal. I was proud as an American to be there and I know, “Such is life!”

God bless America.

Alan Jackson

