Preserving the past in Poulsbo

It’s an idea that has been years in the making, and with development pressing in on all sides, Poulsbo’s need to delve into ways to protect its historical charms has never been greater. The concept of preserving the character of Little Norway is nothing new, mind you. Before growing pains started developments booming at Olhava, Viking Avenue, Noll Road and numerous points in between, folks spoke up the potential ruination of the community’s small-town feel at the hands of “Monster Houses.”

Steps were taken, height limits, etc. were enacted in the city’s older sections through ordinances and Poulsbo — though slightly modified — was still Poulsbo. The certified local government program the city is now pondering seems to be another step in ensuring this trend of preservation continues.

Poulsbo Historical Society curator Erica Varga, who is unfortunately moving on to other things next month, once again hit the nail on the head by saying, “Protecting the past is an investment in the future.”

So true.

And as Poulsbo continues to flourish and grow, it should count itself fortunate to have the folks at the PHS to ensure the links to the past are not severed. They truly are a wise investment.

The Poulsbo City Council has an excellent history in terms of protecting this connection and will undoubtedly seize upon this new chance to protect historic homes and businesses throughout the area. It will be a good thing when it does, too, because all too often small city’s lose their bearings in their journey to become larger, lose their character and eventually lose track of their past. When this happens, and it does, all is truly lost.
