The Port Orchard Independent endorses Fred Chang for Port Orchard City Council, Position 6; Clancy Donlin for the City Council’s At Large position; and Christopher Lemke for the South Kitsap School District Board of Directors, District 3.
Donlin had a formidable challenger in Jay Rosapepe, a retired Navy commander and former South Kitsap School Board of Directors member who works as transportation services director for the school district. Both are similar in what they view as community priorities, so this was a close call. Donlin gets our endorsement because he and the council are already doing what both say needs to be done on downtown revitalization, economic development, infrastructure and roads. Ditto for Chang.
Reelect Donlin and Chang. (That said, Rosapepe has a lot to offer the city, and we hope to see him on a city committee and commission and on a future ballot.)
The South Kitsap School District has been grappling with some big issues related to student population growth and school overcrowding. When community dialogue has gotten hyperbolic, Lemke has been a voice of reason. He’s never missed a school board meeting and is totally dedicated to doing the work and representing the public on the board. We see no compelling reason to replace Lemke and we encourage voters to elect him to another term.