Another government agency is in a “crisis” over funding. Kitsap Transit has money problems. The increased fuel costs that we must live with are more than the bus/ferry/rental car service can stand. Before we panic, let’s play “Connect The Dots.”
Sound Off is a public forum. Articles are selected from letters to the editor or may be written specifically for this feature. Today, Trent Blackburn responds to a Guest Opinion suggesting a different approach to dealing with marijuana laws.
Our county commissioners have appointed a budget advisory committee to consider long-term trends in spending and revenue and to recommend particular policies that ought to be followed.
Torrens Talk
To some it may be hard to believe that it was 60 years ago, when the city of Bremerton came together to honor one of its truest and bravest heroes, Bud Hawk, with a parade through the then-bustling streets of downtown, but yes, it has been that long.
It will be 10 years on May 23 since the USS Missouri was towed out of Bremerton on its journey to its new home in Pearl Harbor in a shameful exhibition of the Navy kowtowing to legislative clout and using chicanery to do it.
With Armed Forces Day activities set to begin today I’m hoping for two things: nothing but sunshine and respect for those who are serving, have served and who will serve in our country’s military.
Viking Fest revelers rejoice! A better day to play there never will be. With Poulsbo’s version of a heat wave headed our way today — 83 degrees? Seriously? — the temptation to spend the day outside will be something awful. Don’t fight it. Slather on the sunscreen, hydrate, grab your best viking hat and get to downtown Poulsbo.
While law enforcement is always on the lookout for unbuckled drivers and passengers, local police will be especially vigilant in the coming weeks in catching those not wearing their seat belts.
The measure of a successful community goes well beyond the cost of living, economic forecasts and beautiful scenery. The future of any community is tied to the success of its schools and the quality and preparedness of the students who graduate. Whether it’s a family or a corporation looking into a community, strong schools are high on the list when people consider an area for relocation.
I’m sad, but at the same time, I’m really happy something could make me feel that sad.
You catch your breath as sunlight opens up a valley and exposes a brilliant array of greens. Rolling hills gently guide you and your breathing slows as cares flutter away.
Sound Off is a public forum. Articles are selected from letters to the editor or may be written specifically for this feature. Today, Silverdale resident Jack Hamilton argues that Kitsap Transit needs to start operating more like a business and less than an entitlement.
A college student loses his financial aid because of a youthful indiscretion.
It will be 10 years on May 23 since the USS Missouri was towed out of Bremerton on its journey to its new home in Pearl Harbor in a shameful exhibition of the Navy kowtowing to legislative clout and using chicanery to do it.
In less than a week, Kitsap residents were treated to a number of news stories and editorials that are cause…
Can we afford another four years?
The Washington ferry system reminds me of an old Woody Allen joke. Two ladies are vacationing in the Poconos, sitting at dinner.
Israel has just celebrated its 60th birthday. The observance of Yom Hashoah also has passed. And former president Jimmy Carter just met with Hamas in Syria to discuss peace with Israel. The confluence of these events caused a very lively discussion among a group of friends gathered to observe Shabbat last Saturday.