This is the Urban Growth Area question the City of Poulsbo and Kitsap County have been trying to answer. The real problem is, there aren’t any easy solutions.
Finn Hill has become the rusty hinge that has so far kept the gate of Urban Growth Area planning from swinging open. But there are two sides to every fence.
By including Finn Hill in the UGA, planning officials from Poulsbo are trying to retain the city’s small town character. Planning officials from the county are attempting to ensure Finn Hill’s rural character by leaving it out.
Growth must and will happen, regardless. And no matter whether Finn Hill goes into the UGA now or in 10 years — eventually it must go in. The question is how far ahead do local residents wish to look?
Finn Hill residents have opposed the city plan vigorously, but it seems as if they are simply trying to prevent the inevitable from happening. Finn Hill is a scenic area, rural in parts but, according to city officials, a prime spot for the UGA.
We feel that the county commissioners should make good on their past pledge to adopt Poulsbo’s plan, which would allow the city to plan most effectively within the mandates of the Growth Management Act.
Poulsbo is a small town, but it will continue to grow. Whether Finn Hill residents like it or not, someday they will be residents of Poulsbo — it might as well be now.