A 27-year-old Bremerton man was taken into custody Feb. 11 on suspicion of reckless endangerment after police say they received a report of a bullet being fired through the wall of an apartment complex, leading to the injury of a minor.
The mother of the 15-year-old victim told police her son had been in bed when he heard a loud noise from the apartment next door and had been hit by fragments of a wooden bottle opener that had broken when hit by the bullet.
Kitsap County sheriff’s deputies responded to the 1200 block of NE McWilliams Road in Bremerton and contacted the neighbor, who admitted he had not done a safety check before dry firing a 10mm handgun he had purchased and “did not realize it was fully loaded,” according to officials.
The victim suffered a minor injury and was not hospitalized, but police are calling on firearm owners to continue treating guns as if they are loaded at all times.