S’Klallam Tribe planning for future of Hansville Block

The Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe has put out a survey for members of the tribe regarding planning of the Hansville Block located north of the reservation boundary and along Little Boston Road.

The feedback is designed to help guide the tribe in defining future uses and improvements of the property. The process will review existing area conditions, assess natural resources, define future land uses, explore conceptual site plan alternatives, and define near- and long-term strategies to improve the land, per PGST.

The Hansville Block is a large 873-acre property with heavily forested areas, stream corridors and sloped areas, PGST documents state. The property is designated as two distinct sites: site 1 includes land north of Little Boston Road/Cliffside Road, and site 2 includes land south of Cliffside Road. Portions of the property are being used for timber harvesting.

The property is not in “trust” status, meaning that near-term development activities are subject to Kitsap County zoning and permitting requirements.

A project working group will guide the master plan process, including individuals representing various PGST departments and the general membership. The PGST Planning Department has not defined specific uses for the property, though there are preliminary plans to add a new tribal cemetery, explore recreational options, and define near- and long-term timber harvesting areas, if supported, per PGST.

The planning department and its consultants intend to develop a master plan draft by spring. Shortly after finalizing and completing the plan, the planning department will forward the package to tribal council for adoption.