Les Schwab Tire Center, Poulsbo Red Apple Market, and Red Apple customers contributed $5,200 worth of groceries and other goods to Food Lifeline in time for the holiday season. Many of the items were to be redistributed back to food banks in Kitsap County. “We understand the communities we’re in and we care about our communities,” said Scott Kelly, manager of the Port Orchard Les Schwab Tire Center. “You never know who needs help” Brett Clark of the Poulsbo Les Schwab added, “One in six families go hungry each year [over the holidays]. You have to act.” Helping to load and deliver the goods: Redc Apple owner Jeff Uberuaga, Randy Hartmann of the East Bremerton Les Schwab, Clark and Kelly. Felicia Powell, who works a register in the Red Apple, was amazed by the generosity. She’s seen similar acts of giving at other stores she’s worked in, “but nothing to this extent,” she said. “It’s heartwarming.” Also on hand to collect donations: Linda Burris, manager of North Kitsap Fishline’s food market; and Lucy Baker, manager of logistics and procurement for Fishline. “We literally couldn’t exist without community support,” Burris said. Of the safety net in the community, Burris said, “Poulsbo is a microcosm of what the world should be.”
Red Apple, Les Schwab give to local food banks | Season of Giving