If you speed down Caldart or Finn Hill or Miller Bay or Lincoln or Kingston Rd. or any of your other favorite short cuts-there’s a good chance your speeding could kill a kid.
Long-awaited facility to start crunching on Viking Way.
“POULSBO – When rain threatened their instruments, the participants in North Kitsap High School’s band camp marched across the field anyway, fingers curled around imaginary flutes and arms encircling invisible tubas. And when they couldn’t play their instruments – dark clouds still gathered overhead – they sang the parts instead, the drummer laughing as he shouted, Boom-BOOM! Boom-BOOM! It’s that kind of imagination and dedication that Sara Weyrick stepped into. Weyrick is the new band teacher and director at North Kitsap High School, replacing John Werth. Weyrick has shown her share of dedication, commuting from and to Issaquah until the sale of her new home in Poulsbo closes. It’s a four-hour trip every day, she said. “
Planning commission to continue public discussions Sept. 26.
“POULSBO – I think it is almost like a swan with their long curved necks, said Mussie Gebre, describing one of the star attractions at Llama Rose Farm and Gardens Thursday afternoon. The analogy was fitting, but also truly amazing because Gebre doesn’t speak, hear or see. Instead, he senses his surroundings. The young native of Eritrea (a small country in Africa) was very inquisitive, asking questions and providing input on what he had witnessed during the day. His interpreter, Anita Harding, who is hearing impaired, assisted Gebre in answering questions via a three-way sign language conversation with Karen Carlson. The trio was part of a 44-person group from the Seattle Light House for the Blind which visited the llamas, camels and garden at the farm on Big Valley Road. Gebre explained that, from what he learned, llamas’ fur not only protects them from the sun, but also keeps them warm in the winter. When asked what types of animals flourished in his native country, he signed, I grew up here in America. But in Eritrea, we have lots of horses. “
“The summer predicted to have so many problems in North Kitsap ended up to be one of our very best. Back in May, when gas prices soared, local businesses were openly worried that the tourists who fuel downtown Poulsbo and neighboring economies with their dollars might stay home. It turned out not to be a problem. Visitors who may have gulped hard at the gas pump total, nonetheless came in large numbers to enjoy the balmy, sunny days. “
State grant will cover OT for traffic patrols.
‘Help wanted’ ad campaign comes up short.
“Long lines of parked cars have been a frequent sight in Kingston and Bainbridge this summer as ferry overflows have forced drive-on travelers to park on the highway shoulder and wait for the next Because of bridge construction, a two-boat schedule, and just plain gorgeous summer weekend weather, the lines of cars along the highways have become longer than ever. People frequently wait in their cars for hours, especially on Sunday afternoons and evenings. “
“KINGSTON – Last weekend, parents came to Gordon Elementary with shovels, rakes, and tape measurers – ready to get to work. Gordon Elementary has moved the Options program, for the first time ever, entirely into the six portables behind the school. So, parents decided to give the area a bit of a facelift. They helped build a stage for the program’s plays. They pulled weeds and planted trees. They hooked up computer cables. We organized it all by e-mail, said Carrie Snyder, who has two children in the program, sons Robbie and Ben. Snyder said the change is impressive. It’s unbelievable, you wouldn’t believe it, Snyder said. It looks great. No one would recognize it as the same place. “
“POULSBO – Sometimes tragedy can be a good thing. It certainly was for Maria Marsala. The native New Yorker (like thousands of people across the nation each year) was involved in a serious car accident while residing on the east coast. But instead of taking the why me? approach to the incident, Marsala instead took stock of her life. Following the crash, Marsala completed what she called her life resumé, in which she jotted down every single job (paid and unpaid) she ever had The resume offered her true insight into what field she was really meant to work in. Having experience as a Wall Street trader (not as stressful as managing, she said), a consultant and a teacher among other occupations, Marsala found that she had the potential to be a great coach. It was one of those things that just popped up at me, she explained with a smile, accompanied with what she called a slow-Brooklyn accent. “
Meeting fliers draw large crowd and ruin session at Marine Science Center.
Registered and licensed practical nurses join Local 381 bargaining unit.
“What’s the hottest topic in town these days? Nope, not the weather or the Mariners surprising slump, but the proposed shoreline regulations. “
“PORT GAMBLE – For a person who gets up before the chickens, Dr. Deltona Figliola knows the importance of a good night’s rest. In fact, it’s something she tries to incorporate in assisting children who suffer from nightmares. While some in the medical profession would be quick to jot out an illegible prescription, Dr. Figliola is more apt to tell her young patient, Take a horse and call me in the morning. This old-fashioned horse-sense doctoring, she said, is what sets the Medicine Mill in Port Gamble apart from other practices in the area. Dr. Figliola explained that when a child presses the hoof of one of the small, plush toys offered at her office a recorded story about horses chasing away nightmares is played. The soothing three-minute message is typically enough to put the youngster back to sleep for the remainder of the evening. Nightmares are part of childhood, she said. These horses work wonders for kids – I won’t put kids on drugs for nightmares. “
“For months that stretched into years, NKF&R, Hansville and Poulsbo Fire Departments have been working on a complex jigsaw puzzle of a map that balances population growth projections, traffic on narrow roads, and a necessity to provide prompt emergency response time to all areas of North Kitsap. “
“SUQUAMISH – Thousands of people converged on the waterfront this weekend to celebrate the memory of Chief Seattle. In keeping with the leader’s vision to bring understanding between cultures, Benny Armstrong, Tribal Chairman, welcomed the crowd. He spoke of the Suquamish tribe’s goal for 2000. He urged tribal and non-tribal members to work together to accomplish their goals. U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee echoed that sentiment calling for cooperation to settle some unfinished business. He talked about salmon recovery efforts in the area and denounced the Republicans’ call to disband tribal governments. But, the celebration this past weekend wasn’t about politics, but about pride. “
Commissioners deny location appeal.
Judge denies residency appeal.
County halts home building project next to Old Man House.