It’s been a little over four months since the Doe-Kag-Wats Estuary got sloshed with some 4,800 gallons of oil. The spill came from all the way across the Puget Sound to our doorstep and pretty much ruined what many said was one of the last pristine beaches in the area.
POULSBO — When it comes to Viking Fest food, folks often remember the tastes and smells of things like Viking burgers, elephant ears and the famous Kiwanis roast beef sandwiches.
POULSBO — Three months after basketball season and Jacob Gonzales hasn’t missed a beat.
With his senior season around the corner and college coming soon after, the Vikings’ star guard is on a mission to become an even better basketball player.
Water issues have always seemed to boil down to a faceoff of people versus fish
SILVERDALE — They were 98 and 51. They were career women and homemakers. They were long-time members and first-time attende
POULSBO — It came down to one last confrontation.
POULSBO — Just when you thought the Kitsap girls’ lacrosse team was going to continually pound other squads by at least a 15 goal margin, they win a close one.
If the North Kitsap Herald had to compile and write down every good deed the Greater Poulsbo Chamber of Commerce has done in the past 50 years, it would do two things: 1) fill the entire newspaper and 2) require our first-ever 80-pager.
KINGSTON — The exercise room of the Kingston Fitness and Kitsap Physical Therapy building on Tuesday and Thursday mornings is filled with sounds from the past, as swinging standards and jazzy music numbers are heard coming from a nearby radio.
POULSBO — The arrest of three Poulsbo area teens on vandalism charges this week has the Poulsbo Police Department searching for more victims.
KINGSTON — Oh yes, the rumors are true — some of Kingston’s most active community members and businessmen will be appearing in a calendar that will inspire smiles, laughs and possibly a few cat-call whistles from local women.
POULSBO — Two weeks after Viking Fest, the area’s biggest soccer tournament of the year will grace the green fields of Little Norway and the North End.
POULSBO — With one week to go before their annual event, Viking Fest organizers say there’s two things they’re looking forward to most.
One’s a big boom.
POULSBO — Twelve years and the walk is still strong.
Spurred by their daughter’s affliction with a rare disease, Jim and Val Oas for more than a decade have held an event aimed at raising money to help fund research of “CF,” more commonly known as Cystic Fibrosis.
KEYPORT — Personal computers. Video games. Even Star Trek.
While looking for better and more cost efficient ways to do its work, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport looks to all sorts of things for inspiration.
EGLON — A former leader in a local community church has been charged with child molestation.
KINGSTON — Better late — Kingston Cooperative Preschool Board President Linda Fyfe believes — than never.
May 8. If that date sounds like a typical Saturday, you’re absolutely right but only if you put “a” and “typical” together. This Saturday truly invites the community to pick a cause — virtually any cause — to support.
Contract negotiations regarding health care benefits and wages for unionized grocery workers in the North End are currently under the spotlight by the United Food and Commercial Workers and several Puget Sound grocers.
POULSBO — The Port of Poulsbo is getting ready to say “Bon voyage” to a long-standing employee.
But not before she gets one last wish — Viking Fest.