POULSBO — Silk flowers.
For most, the term evokes thoughts of the tacky and often mis-colored floral nightmares found at hobby shops.
POULSBO — Last year, it was giving tattered American flags a proper retirement. This year, it is helping those in impoverished nations with better eyesight by sending used glasses.
The North Kitsap High School LEO service club has many unique missions each year. But during the holiday season, there is one that the LEOs commit to annually — helping out Fishline Food bank.
POULSBO — For 40 years, the Poulsbo Fire Department’s novelty/clown car was a well-known and welcomed sight at parades all over Kitsap County.
The 1924 Ford Model T truck was driven around town to help promote the agency’s Firefighters Ball and attract new volunteers to the department. Its only known origin is that it came from Bainbridge Island and it was the first vehicle to cross the Agate Pass Bridge prior to the bridge’s official completion, when it was made of wooden planks.
POULSBO — The old adage that crooks “return to the scene of the crime” rang true in the early hours of Christmas Day but not for the typical reason.
At approximately 2:15 a.m. Dec. 25, the Poulsbo Police Department received a call from the Chevron station on Highway 305 and Hostmark that a robbery was in progress. A young man brandished a butterfly knife and “several times threatened to kill” employees at the Chevron if they didn’t give him money, Poulsbo Police Sgt. Bill Playter said Monday.
If anything has been proven in the Governor’s race turned Gregoire/Rossi should concede political cat fight, it must be that our voting process doesn’t work as well as it should.If anything has been proven in the Governor’s race turned Gregoire/Rossi should concede political cat fight, it must be that our voting process doesn’t work as well as it should.
KINGSTON — With the anticipated January startup of Aqua Express’ passenger-only ferry service from Kingston to Seattle, Kitsap Transit, the Port of Kingston and Kitsap County Public Works are trying to plan for what they expect to be some major changes to downtown traffic and parking patterns.
SILVERDALE — It’s official. Kitsap County is finally back on the baseball map — and in a big way.
After years of trying to organize a team in the region, the Kitsap BlueJackets will make their debut on the diamond in the summer of 2005. But there is plenty of reason to be excited now.
KINGSTON — In a boating community where yachts are the norm, resident Scott Karren is trying to introduce a type of vessel that is very different and much more cost effective than typical water craft.
KINGSTON — Though the 4-year old non-profit elementary Sunrise School has ceased operations midway through the school year, its owners aren’t going to be riding off into the sunset any time soon.
POULSBO — There are undoubtedly countless disagreements among teachers, parents, staff, administrators and students about what each feels would be an ideal schedule for North Kitsap High School.
But there one thing the NKHS Instructional Schedule Task Force universally agrees upon.
SUQUAMISH — Masks and white shirts donned, West Sound Academy students Sean Sebastian and Jacques White approach one another, one arm strung in the air and their other gripped to foil-type swords, aimed for each other’s chests.
POULSBO — A lot of giving took place last weekend.
But not quite as much as hoped was aimed at the North Kitsap Bellringer Fund.
POULSBO — When Elvis sang “Blue Christmas,” he was likely talking about a break-up, not a death.
But the analogy is just as real for many folks each holiday season, commented Martha & Mary Chaplain Ernie McCluskey. The season of light for some can be a very sad time for others due to the loss of a loved one.
KINGSTON — When it was announced in November that the U.S. Navy was planning to divest its housing unit on West Kingston Road, Kitsap County officials and residents jumped at the chance to see how the 3.6-acre site could become a part of the community’s proposed Village Green.
POULSBO — Right after announcing it was within $10,000 of its 2005 goal, the Bellringer Fund received another group of donations to cut that span in half.
The annual holiday fund-raiser for the 53-year-old Raab Foundation fund is now about $5,000 away from its $30,000 goal and getting closer by the minute.
KINGSTON — The Carpenter Creek/Apple Tree Cove Estuary is supposed to be a place where animals can quietly live in their natural habitat with minimal disruption from humans.
But it’s been a little too quiet for those trying to help this particular environment — until now.
POULSBO — One wrong step in July nearly cost marathon runner Cotah Rose her chance to race in the New York City Marathon.
Following her first place finish at the Viking Fest Run while also placing first in her age group in other racing events, Rose was preparing to train for New York when she took one bad step back in July — one that fractured her foot.
Rose couldn’t figure out how it had happened. But she knew that all for which she had trained to prepare for one of the biggest races in the world was in jeopardy.
POULSBO — Though passing the Washington Assessment of Student Learning exam isn’t yet mandatory for high school seniors, it will already appear on current 11th graders’ transcripts — inducing the state to foot the bill for a free re-take.
POULSBO — Though he’s been retired for nearly 10 years now, Gordon Stenman was back at Red Apple Tuesday morning bagging groceries.
The former store manager said he always returns one special morning each year — and for one very special reason.
And if you’re reading this, you’ve received your North Kitsap Herald right on time. (Yes, we realize it’s Sunday.) By now, the presents have been unwrapped,the tree has been raided of its candy canes, leftovers are taking up prime real estate in the fridge and one of your spouse’s estranged siblings is claiming your living room sofa for their bed, for another night no less.